The Writers Voice
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Adam D. Olson

I often
question my future. Am I in control of what is to
be, or am I the victim of a predestined path that I
must follow? Murphy and I were at Trinity College.
That is in Ireland, if you didn’t know. Another
less known fact is that they have a great security
team. Murphy remarked that they were almost as
quick as the Elite German Guard, though not as
Before they threw us off the premises, we watched
two professors conversing about fate. One professor
argued that our future was preplanned, just as if
we were in the river. We had to go where the
current took us. The other professor responded,
“But we have choice. We can swim to the bank if we
choose to, therefore it is free will.” They looked
at Murphy and me, and asked what we thought.
I looked at Murphy and he looked back. I shrugged
my shoulders and pushed the professors into the
river. The one who believed in free will was
carried down river by the current. The one who had
faith in a predestined plan swam to the shore. What
were the odds that they were both wrong? We were
contemplating this as the guards carried us out.
Murphy thought perhaps it was our destiny to be
carried out, but somewhere along the line I am sure
we had a choice. I just don’t know what it was.

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