The Writers Voice
The World's
Favourite Literary Website

Adam Gilson

John Dean Avery sat in the rough cloth office chair,
reviewing his letters of recommendation. He had four--two from the head of
human resources and the marketing director from his last job, one from the
professor of his IT accreditation course, and one from the owner of the business
that was his career for 20 years before he quit.
They all spoke of intense attention to detail, a
sound and impeccable work ethic, and mostly a great passion he showed for
anything he put his mind to. All wonderful words, all meant to sway the most
cautious of minds. Of course they were all true, lest John deign them unfit to
carry his name. The first draft of the HR head's letter included feats that
while John was certainly capable of doing had not done in his tenure. They were
mostly a nod towards her great respect for John, and her own sense of penance
after he had moved on.
John wanted nothing to do with anything that wasn't
the absolute truth, and brought her letter down to mortal levels. Still, her
letter smacked of mindless homage, something that made John uneasy. As
concerned as he was that she was padding the truth in his favor, he was more
concerned that she was still fairly accurate he was always very suspicious of
praise heaped up on him like so much butter and sour cream on a baked potato.
Nonetheless, there he sat going over in his mind the
possible questions he would face in the next few minutes. Why are you no longer
working at your current job? What happened at the job before that? Why are
your feet sweating? Is your breath a terrorist attack?
He shuddered and let out a sharp "Meh", which turned
him a curious shade of pink as his eyes flicked around the room to see if anyone
heard it. When he caught himself meandering aimlessly in his mind it would
usually boil over in an uncontrollable audible reflex. A knee jerk reaction
that could startle a blind man.
Which was how Penny likened it. Thirty-eight years
of marriage, and the woman knew him better than God. Or at least God in the
omnipotent sense. God would have forsook him long ago, he knew. You spend a
lifetime worshiping someone and giving them all that you think they need or want
or could imagine, and then they almost die. That's different. Death imminent is
different. That's when you realize you gave them what you thought they wanted or
needed or could imagine.
But that's all been worked out, four years in the
past. Now its time to rebuild. That's all. And here we are, John!
Rebuild away.
"Mr. Avery? John Avery? Sir?"
John's eyes refocused and he looked up to see a
little waif of a woman with glasses and a pinched looking nose saying his name.
Her hair was wound so tight up on her head it reminded him of spaghetti on a
fork. In fact, it had the same red hue of a good marinara sauce. Thinking of
food at a time like this he kicked himself mentally--now is not the time John!
Here was a woman that most would call rather pretty, and all he could think
about was what he had for dinner last night.
Though, it was one of Penny's favorite thing to make
on Wednesday's. And besides, she was wearing a loose fitting blouse, not
something you'd expect to see on a women with that kind of figure.
"Ah yes, thank you miss. Am I ready to roll?"
"Yes Mr. Avery. Mr. Anton is ready for you. Do you
have all the papers you need?"
"I don't have the "You've Gotten a Job!" one on me,
but I hope what I do have works," he said with a wry smile.
She blinked at him. John shuddered.
"This way please," she said.
The walk down the hall to Mr. Anton's office
reminded him of the principal's office at his son Julius' school. The decor
here was much more lavish of course, with portraits showing definitions (quotes,
quips, soundbites hmmm...?) of encouragement, teamwork, and creativity. Yet
(Nevertheless), it was the walk toward someone who has (holds) all the power in
your tiny little world that weighed upon him. He hoped his feet weren't
sweating as much as he imagined.
The lady with the pinched nose stopped at a door
that said "Mikeal Anton - Director" on it. No different than any other door in
the hallway. John was relieved.
"Mr. Avery, you seem like a nice man. So just be as
forward as possible with Mr. Anton. He has helped us all out in his own way,
and will listen with an open mind"
"Thank you miss...miss?"
"Ana Reilly. Mrs. Reilly"
"Thanks again for the advice."
She nodded, and knocked on the door. It opened
silently (and) John went inside.
"Ah Mr. Avery, good to meet you!" A huge man with
hamhock arms and baseball glove hands came at John from the center of the room,
moving with a grace that defied his massive form (his mass). His voice shook
John's fillings, and (as well as) the two teeth he lost a few years back and
hadn't replaced yet.
"Mr. Anton, the feeling is mutual!" John said as his
hand was lost in Mr. Anton's.
"Please, come upstairs with me. We'll have a sit."
The bottom (lower) office was spacious, with a
spiral staircase in the middle. There was a desk running on along four of the
six walls, all of them full of computers and monitors. The other two walls were
windows over-looking the glowing smog of Los Angeles.
John followed up the spiral staircase some twenty
feet and they came upon a platform covered in a glass canopy giving a 360 degree
view of the city. There was a large workstation with wires like entrails,
flashing computer terminals, luminous flat screen monitors, and rows of
super-cooled tower servers all jumbled about the loft. John thought the
computing power in Mr. Anton's private office could probably run a couple city
blocks of normal businesses. He also thought the place was a complete jumble of
technological bravado and could stand to be better organized.
"What do you think, John?"
"Are those the 5600 Series servers?" John had gone
straight to the towers to inspect how (??) their settings.
"Naw, we run our day to day on those. These are the
6600 Series, Mark 1."
"They're on the market already?"
"Yes. But it's easier to get them if you game with
InCo's CFO," he said with a grin.
It is a habit of very smart people to skip the bull
and dive right in to specifics.
"They're running at, what, 60c right now?"
"About. And I have them at a 70% load."
"Yeah, the wonders of liquid carcinogens cooling the
shit out of it."
"Oh, I didn't think the EPA would let that happen."
"They didn't want to, but when they saw that these
would lead to them cut spending by 30%, they turned a greedy eye away. Plus,
you'd never imagine who owns quite a few shares of InCo."
"I probably couldn't imagine. You cross connected
between these and your back up? Doesn't that ruin your clock speeds?"
"Not at all. They updated the BIOS a month ago.
Clock efficiency is no longer effected by the new software."
"Mr. Anton, I wanted to thank you for taking the
time to interview me."
"No need," he said with a wave of the hand. "My
mother recommends you and you're tech savvy very much. Please, call me Mik. I
should be calling you Mr. Avery." Mr. Anton gave a broad, honest smile.
"Now, let's sit down. My HR department has forced
me to stick to this tired old tradition of interviewing and writing down various
comments and paper work. I would prefer a computer virus stuck in somebody's
desktop. If you figure it out, you win! Pero es la ley!"
They headed over to a simple work bench with
soldering tools and magnifying glasses on a metal arm, and various other things
John didn't recognize. There were some stools they both straddled.
"So John, what position within this company are you
interested in?"
"I have applied to the position of Corporate Sales
"And why is that?"
"I know that I would excel in that position, given
my 20 years of experience in the same field for Digital Networks, one of the
largest communications companies in Southern California. I was the fourth
employee hired, and helped build it up from four people in a rented out office
room off Topanga Canyon Road to occupy the fifth through eight floors of the
Helton Towers in Canoga Park. We spearheaded the profligation of analog to
digital data transfer as well as ease of use contracts for consumers. In my
tenure, I handled large scale deals between our company and corporate accounts
such Blue Cross, Amgen, and Pitney-Bose. I also worked with high profile single
accounts, such as Al Pacino and Will Smith. Through these high pressure
situations, I learned diligence in combining technological jargon with layman
terms creating effective sales tactics that I know I can apply to any product."
"Wow. And what was your reason for leaving that
"I had control over our sales team during my time
there, but had little control over the infrastructure of the company. As such,
near the middle of my second decade there, the method in which the finance
department would close deals with new customers was so outdated it was creating
a stagnant sales situation. The sales team would close deals, but when they
found out it would take two weeks for a credit check and processing, they'd
simply pull out and go to the kiosks at the mall that were then just becoming
feasible, as well as popular. Additionally, I had suggested investing in DSL
services, as we had offered dial up for some years at that point. Finally, in
the last two years before I resigned the sales department had been dismantled
and the company survived on the handful of subscribers they had left, with new
account sales and resubscriptions having dropped 70% over three years."
"I see. So you didn't want to stay with the sinking
"I felt I stayed with it till it had long sunk, and
spent some time putting ping balls in it hoping for a miracle. But in the
technology industry, as you well know, once your shelf life hits a year or so,
there is no salvaging it. We were too far behind by the time the CEO decided to
listen to me."
"Why do you think they didn't want to change?"
"I can't begin to imagine. Disinterest?
Arrogance? Ignorance? I'm not sure. I've never been able to figure it out,
and haven't spoken to anyone within the company for some time now."
"I see. Well all of that was well said."
"Thank you."
"So after that you immediately went in to business
for yourself?"
"Yes, I didn't have too much money saved up, but
enough between my wife's freelance graphic design and her teaching position at
the local J.C. to do side work in a niche market."
"You're quite popular, from what my mother says."
"Yes, I suppose so. I guess I have a way with
talking to seasoned citizens about technology. Nothing too complex for them,
mind you. I think to that generation using the internet to check your email is
a lot like a moon landing."
"Whatever you do, it's impressive. I remember
trying to get my mom on eBay. Her eyes got beady the second I said "user
name". I had forgotten how hard the little biddy could hit! You come along a
year ago and now she's got more positive reviews than I do." Mr. Anton laughed
so hard his belly rippled up and over the desk.
"So your most recent job you were let go?"
"Yes. Managing a restaurant part time. Probably
the last thing I imagined myself doing. The economy being what it has been the
last year, the hours just weren't available."
"Understandable. I'm not sure why people don't eat
more when things go to the dogs. But maybe thats my own quoible. You okay,
"Yes, just making sure I stretch out my back a bit."
"Ah, excellent. Okay, we're almost done with this
nonsense. Although it was nice hearing such eloquence. You've probably been on
quite a few interviews, I imagine."
"Now, John, here are my least favorite questions.
What moment are you most proud of professionally and personally?"
"Pardon me for asking, but why are they your least
"I just don't understand why HR finds it necessary
to probe in to people's lives.
Dr. Doctor is a great pysch eval program if that's what
they really wanted to know. I think they're a bunch of nosy under cooked tater
"Well I am, um, would have to say professionally I
am most proud of my first decade with Digital Networks. We built it up from the
ground up, I've always seen it as kind of a baby of mine. Living on macaroni
and cheese and ketchup and wearing the same suit every other day. It was, it
wasn't easy but we got through and ended up doing really good for ourselves."
"And personally?"
"My wife and kids. Actually, the day I met my
wife. I asked her out at party, but she was dating someone at the time. The
light showed so bright on her. It just burned. So I told her later that night
that I would like to give her my number and sometime in the future if she isn't
dating anyone and would like to give me a call, we'll see where we're both at.
And I was just proud of myself for doing that. It worked out well. I had
spaghetti sorrento last night. Hmm."
"Oh excellent! What kind of wine did you have with
"I'm more a dirty vodka martini drinker, two
olives. Although my wife had a cab, I think Fetzer."
"What kind of vodka?"
"Um, Popov."
"Ah. Sounds like a great meal."
"It was. My son said it was easily top ten. But he
always says that. The king crab legs were perfect, though. Along with Kerry
Gold Butter with garlic oil. And my son made creme brulee, his favorite."
"Wow, hundred bucks a plate dinner for a Wednesday.
What was the occasion?"
"I, um...there wasn't any occasion."
"I'd love to be there for a special occasion, shit."
"Well, that is something to think about."
"Alright, HR can fall back in it. Now tell me, what
would you do for us as Corporate Sales Manager."
"I would stay on the cutting edge of our technology,
creating new markets for our product, while ensuring our current customers are
continuously satisfied. I see this company as a well run wheel, that while
doesn't need to be reinvented, could use a few more spokes. As such, continued
sales infrastructure development as well as market expansion seem the best
The stool beneath Mr. Anton groaned under his
shifting weight.
"How would you plan on doing this?"
"Well, I can't specifically say as I don't know the
more sensitive aspects of your company, but I do know that North Africa and much
of Asia are just now becoming feasible."
Mr. Anton smiled. "Yes, we were thinking of heading
that direction. We would need the CSM to be the liason between us. Probably
spend the majority of the first five years out there. Plus travel in between
Asia and Europe and back."
"Ah. Yes. What type of schedule do you think
that'll entail?"
Mr. Anton scratched his stubble, a sound that
reminded John of the porcupines that used to crawl under his porch growing up in
"I'm really not sure, John. We can do most of the
blah blah crap online these days, but that's state side. I'm not sure how much
use you'll get plugging in to a rock with a baobab antennae over there.
Probably up at 5am in bed by 1am, with as much travel as necessary each
day/week/month/year to get a foot hold. With infrequent trips back here. What
was that?"
"Nothing. That is quite the schedule. There are
also opportunities in Europe, with a greater level of security, though perhaps
Mr. Anton cut him off, "No no John! Stay with what
you said! Think BIG! I like it, you've got the salesmanship to sell us, and
the same right ideas as the rest of us. Europe has been tapped out for some
"True. It would just take a lot of work to get those
venues up and running before we can even think of buy in. Europe just happens
"John, forget Europe. I can deal with Europe from
my toilet, it's not an issue. What we need is to insure a future in the third
world markets as economic and technological spill over from China and Europe
reaches them. You know what the best thing about technology is?"
"It gets better, cheaper, more abundant: repeat?"
"Exactly! Although I wouldn't have put it so well.
But you can see what I'm getting at?" Mr. Anton hands came together in a meaty
"I do."
"Of course you do! I haven't got any more
questions, we seem to be on the same page here. Now my favorite part: you can
ask me questions!"
John took a deep breath.
"Mr. Anton, this CSM position is meant for the sole
purpose of fostering relationships in Africa and Asia?" Mr. Anton nodded.
"And the first five years will be spent in those
"At least the first couple of years or so. With
your abilities, you could probably be done in half that. That's with luck and
China not nuking the shit out of anyone or who the hell knows what else goes on
over there. And to answer your next question, we will be more than happy to
relocate your family."
"Actually Mr. Anton, I wasn't going to ask that."
John stood and held out his hand, "I have no further questions for you. But I
thank you for your time! I certainly look forward to hearing from you, Mr.
Mr. Anton stood up, shaking his hand vigorously.
"Well thank you, John. It has been nice chatting
with someone so competent. With as many degrees floating around out there,
experience just can't be bought. We will be in contact with you as soon as all
the interviews are over."
John smiled at Mr. Anton as their eyes met. They
both saw a look in the other's eyes.
John nodded again, turned and went in a downward
spiral, on out the door, and in to the river of people under the smoggy orange

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