Writer's Voice
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A Simple Handshake
Alice C. Bateman &
Clive S. Michie

Chapter Ten
With Maggie skipping along
gaily, holding Kalandra by the hand, the group made it’s way through the
fragrant and lush vegetation. Gold dust was strewn among the dirt underfoot,
adding a sparkle to the small clouds of dust that the angel’s footsteps
stirred. Tiny puffs, just enough to display the glimmer.
Dan’s mind wandered. Here he was,
alive as far as he knew, walking down a pathway in the Ethereal Realm, or
Heaven. Following a spirit who looked like a beautiful and desirable woman, who
was just now becoming an Angel. And an adorable little cherub, who must have
been someone’s treasured child on earth, and was now a sweet and bubbly baby
Dan shook his head. This was almost
too much to absorb. It was a good thing that his consciousness was altered by
the fungi they had ingested. He knew that if someone was telling him they’d
experienced something like what he was presently undergoing, he’d have been sure
they were either lying or relating a dream. If they’d insisted it was the
truth, he’d have recommended a mental hospital, or at the very least,
counselling. But here he was. And it was very real.
Reaching out his right hand, Dan
caressed the velvety petals of a tiger lily beside the path. The lily was as
tall as he was, with a flower the size of a five-gallon milk pail. In front of
him, Maggie stopped for a moment, pulled a petal from another tiger lily, and
took a dainty bite.
“Uh, Maggie, I don’t think you should
be eating the flowers!” Dan exclaimed.
Kalandra laughed, and turned her face
back to look at Dan. “Tiger lilies are perfectly safe to eat, Dan, even on
Earth! Didn’t you know that?”
“What? No. Well, sure, I’ve heard
of people having salads with flower petals in them in fancy restaurants, but not
people walking along eating flowers from the side of the path.”
The Angel smiled, and replied,
“Actually, tiger lilies are quite nutritious, Dan. God grows fields and fields
of them. They’re meant for people to eat. There is no reason for people to go
hungry in most parts of the world, Dan. There is an abundance of fruit and
sustenance-bearing vegetation, that modern day man has somehow chosen to
“Every city should be planted
everywhere with fruit trees, every boulevard with tiger lilies and other
nutritious flowers. People should be able to reach out and find food when they
are hungry, and this food could also be preserved for eating during the cold
“You seem very interested in this, as
if it is something you’ve thought deeply about,” Dan said as Kalandra paused.
“Oh, so very much so,” she replied
with a tiny frown. “It broke my heart on Earth, that
people starved. Since coming here, I have been studying, learning. I was given
an assignment by Mr. Howard Himself, due last week, in which He asked if I had
the ability to change and heal any one problem on the planet Earth, what would
it be. I chose Hunger. The next question was about how
I would help to ease the
“You had to write a test?”
“Of course, Dan,” Kalandra replied.
“We all must pass tests, daily almost. Some are written, some are verbal,
others are physical, while more still are in the realm of the heart and the
emotions. Faith, faith in the things we cannot see, is the biggest test of
“I would like to hear all the things
that you would do to help cure the hunger problem, Kalandra. May I call you
Kalandra? Or must I call you the Angel Kalandra, or some other formal
By now, Maggie had skipped off in
front of Dan and the Angel, and they walked side by side, Eugene following a
couple of paces back. Shadow was already in the Garden of God, and had assumed
a human form in order to sit with the others and converse around His patio
“You will hear them in good time,
Dan. Mr. Howard has instructed me to come inside, that I might give a verbal
presentation of my views. To Himself and His invited guests. That would be you
and your friend, I believe, Dan.”
Kalandra stopped for a moment and
smiled at Eugene.
“You’ve been very quiet, Eugene of
the Cabin. Have you nothing to say?”
“Well, ma’am, I have so awful much to
say that I can’t get a word out of my throat. I’m overwhelmed. I didn’t know
that I would be taken into the presence of God Himself. I thought I would just
come up like before, to visit with my Dad for a little while. I was only joking
when I told Dan we were going to talk to God.” Eugene’s kindly face was pale
beneath his tan. He wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing to be
summoned to the Ultimate Presence
while still alive.
“Ma’am, can I ask you a question?”
“Of course, Mr. Eugene, anything you
wish.” Kalandra smiled graciously.
“We are still alive, aren’t we?”
Eugene grinned sheepishly, embarrassed by the question, but even with all of his
spiritual knowledge, he had somehow let the line between what he knew and what
he was presently experiencing become blurred.
The phrase he had said to Dan, about
being ready to ‘suspend his disbelief’ repeated inside his own head.
“Yes,” Kalandra smiled. “You are
merely visiting our Realm, not remaining at this time. You and Dan have a mission to
fulfill on Earth. Mr. Howard will instruct you.”
Dan had sometimes suspected that his
life might have a special purpose, but the reality of an Angel standing there
telling him that God was about to give him instructions on how to complete a
mission hit him like a force in the center of his chest.
Now that he was faced with the
reality of it, Dan thought, ‘Who am I to perform any kind of mission?’ He was
just a simple man. He had no special talents, no gifts, no mystical qualities
of any kind. He got up every day, talked for a while on the computer to some
friends he’d made online, drank his coffee, went to work, and did the same
things over again the next day. Who the hell was he to be brought before God
and given a task to fulfill?
‘Whoops,’ Dan thought with a
chuckle. ‘I probably shouldn’t be swearing in Heaven, or ER or wherever we
are.’ Somehow, the chuckle broke the hold of the part of his mind that always
required an explanation, and allowed him to once again simply feel, accept, be.
‘To be or not to be. That is the question.’ The so often heard Shakespeare
quote repeated in his mind. ‘And the answer is,’ the other part of his mind
said, ‘I choose to be.’
Chapter Eleven

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