Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

It Is Today
C. Bateman

Picture the bard of long ago
They never worried about their clothes
They were given their needs along the way
Oh wait! That's how it is today
I get my clothes for a dime on the dollar
Or completely for free, given to me
My rent is so low people just can't believe
What I pay for this view that they all love to see
God gives me presents time after time
Like these two gold chains that are suddenly mine
Lots of furniture, knickknacks galore
For a couple of dollars, or brought to my door
There is so much more to this life than money
The smile on a baby's face, the taste of wildflower honey
The laughter of your children, when they're just having fun
The beauty of a starry night when a busy day is done
How have we lost sight of what is really real
How came we to this plight of not knowing how to feel
How did we become desensitized to blood and death and gore
How did we win the battles, but fail to stop the war
I thought this was a happy poem, but somehow it turned sad
Because I let the world in, and much of it is bad
We must maintain the positive, the good, the light, the way
Try to keep them with us, every single day
If we want to change the larger world, we must first change our own
Declare ourselves a child of God, and then He must be shown
We truly are committed to love this world he gave
Where he has let us live since we crawled out of the cave
We've really come so far, so fast, we barely can keep up
To all the many changes, they overflow our cup
But if we live a good life, with honour and with grace
Then we can maybe tell ourselves, we've won the human race

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