Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

New Daddy
Alice Bateman

If I could go buy a new Daddy
What store would we get him from?
Who won't fight with Krystal
And won't yell at me
And always is nice to my Mom
If I could go buy a new Daddy
To what store would I have to go?
To Wal-Mart or Zellers
Or down to the Market
Is that where new Daddies grow?
I want a new Daddy
So I can play 'punch'
Touch the ceiling whenever I want
I want a new Daddy
For camping and fishing
And maybe for making my lunch
I'd have to share Mommy
With my brand new Daddy
But maybe that won't be so bad
I'd have to share Mommy
With any new Daddy
But then I'd at least have a Dad!
Matthew and Danny's Dad - the little boys, three and two
years old - left us when Matthew was about six months old, and I was about three
months pregnant with Danny. We haven't heard from him since. Better he's gone if
that's how he feels, but it's hard to explain to the boys...

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