Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

"I Work for God"
C. Bateman

Say "I Work for God," and then turn on a light
We all have to penetrate the gathering night
We must pierce it and poke it with all of our might
Whether it be with a candle or a tiny flashlight
Or even a lighter, a match or a torch
Let's light up the darkness right from our front porch
If we all would stand up and fearlessly say
We work for God - He wants changes today
He wants the fighting to stop and the killing to cease
He wants the falseness of medicine death and disease
To be replaced with kindness, compassion and care
Not be a huge business, sharks getting their share
He's tired of seeing the killing and raping
Of a beautiful world that He spent time in making
For our ENJOYMENT, our PEACE and our HOME
We've made it a playground for evil to roam
We have to stop this, stop what we're becoming
Our thoughts are the candles we'll show in the gloaming
We must picture a world that is peaceful and green
Not something that's gone, images on a screen
Do we want to look back and say too bad, so sorry
There once was a nice world, we made it all gory
We killed it and each other whenever we could
Ignored the entreaties to finally do good...
Too bad about Earth, that star over there
It once was a nice world, with people who cared
But they let the big monsters devour their home
And now its just spinning in space all alone

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