The Writer's Voice

The World's Favourite Literary Website

September 11, 2001


Alice C. Bateman

I am sorry, said the people
For this tragedy that's come
It wasn't of my doing
But the doing was still done

We cannot see the enemy
He hides his coward's face
While the world around us dizzies
From the crisis that we face

This blow threatens our freedom
Our children and our wives
This sickening act has weakened
Our hold on our own lives

The victims simply went to work
They went about their day
Just as some hell-bent madman
Decided that he'd play

Oh God, where were you yesterday
When thousands of us died
Oh God, when will you show us
When will You finally decide

To put an end to evil
That seems to reign on Earth
Please tell us how to help You
Protect our rights of birth

We pray that all the souls they took
Are safely in Your Arms
And one day we'll feel safe again
Removed from all this harm

Dear God, please deliver us
From the evil that is here
Dear God, help us overcome
The overwhelming fear

Please help restore peace to us
And we will help You too
By finding these horrific men
And giving them their due

September 12th, 2001 
©Alice C. Bateman

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