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What’s Been On My Mind
Alice C. Bateman

February 10, 2003
There are always ten things
on my mind at once, it seems, but a predominant
thought stream right now concerns our children.
More specifically, the morals and values of our
children. And I’m talking about almost any of them
above the age of eleven.
I’m appalled at the way we
as a society have left our children to flounder in
a morass of sexual tantalization, instant
gratification, automatic abortion if they ‘make a
mistake.’ The mistake is ours, the parents, the
adults, society as a whole. We have let our
children become a tribe of fornicators, provided
them with birth control, counselling, abortion, and
maybe patted them on the head and said, ‘it will be
all right dear, don’t worry.’
We should certainly worry!
We should worry very much! What ever happened to
old fashioned values? To morals? To children
saying no to sex? To parents not allowing their
children to have sex? Of course we all know there
are situations where the hormones just take over
and the mind is lost – but why are we allowing our
children to fall into those situations so easily?
Why are one out of every two pregnancies ended by
abortion? I’d bet a lot of those statistics are
comprised of unwanted teenage pregnancies.
What sort of message are we
giving our children if we tell them that it’s all
right to murder their own child to ‘solve their
problem?’ How many of the Ten Commandments do you
think that might contravene?
This is making me a little
angry right now, so if I sound that way, it’s
because I am. I’m watching perfectly good
upstanding people, people who could make a good
deal of their lives, wasting themselves in sex or
drug or alcohol related thoughts, discussions and
activities. We seem to have forgotten to make it
clear to our children that this is the time of
their lives, while they are growing, going to
school, learning, that they should be excelling,
pushing themselves to do and be their very best, to
establish a firm foundation for the adult selves
they will be in a moment.
How and what can we tell
them now that we as a society have presented them
with the wrong things? That we do care about them,
that we don’t want to see them becoming parents
while they are still children, or carrying the
guilt of murdering their own babies? Is it too
late to turn this tide?
When I was in school,
during the sixties and seventies, maybe one girl
would become pregnant during a school year. Now,
it feels like I have to ask my daughters which
girls are not pregnant, which girls have not had an
abortion – and to find a virgin walking the halls
of most schools above the elementary level? Few
and far between, I’m very sure…
When I was in Grade Eight,
our school bus driver said something about birth
control that has stuck with me ever since – he
said, ‘girls, what you should do is take that
little pill they’ve got now for birth control, and
just hold it between your knees.’
How can we teach our
children now that there is life beyond and outside
of the pursuit and conquest of the opposite sex?
That love and sex are not equal in the equation?
Now that all of the North American media they are
subjected to glorifies these pursuits? Sex is a
basic animal act; love is an all-encompassing state
of being that will survive with or without the act
of sex.
Our media glorifies the
‘conquest,’ the ‘score.’
And what do we do with the
results? Murder them, scrape and vacuum them out
of their young and traumatized mothers, and use
them for medical research.
Sometimes this world we
live in disgusts me completely.

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