Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Winds of Fate
Alice C. Bateman

The winds of fate are swirling round me
I am caught up in their midst
Getting hard for me to keep up
With every turn and twist
One day I'm thinking one thing
The next it's something else
Planning things I never thought I'd do
It's as if some little elf
Makes his home inside my head
And rearranges things
Then informs me what will be
No matter what I think
You'd think he would consult me
'Ere he changes all my plans
Maybe he should have a name
This busy little man
Rumplestiltskin? It's been done
Must think of something else
But now I've caught him changing things
This meddlesome small elf
Must give to me his one true name
Because I've found him out
He tries to plant the seeds of change
By nurturing a doubt
I’ve heard him called The Small Green Man
I've spoke of him before
I wonder how I let him in
The guarded secret door
The one I keep my dreams behind
And where I keep my plans
Where I've locked away my secrets
And my very small demands
When I figure out his name
I'll call him to come out
Then I'll slam the secret door shut
And lock the Green Man out

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