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Salem's Witches
Apollo Batt

The wind snapped the trees, until one would
think they would break. Nothing had ever happened like this before. Nothing like
this should have happened and it was all my fault that it had. I brought down
destruction and I tasted their pain. I brought devastation and sorrow and I
shall pay for it. I shall pay for the life that I have taken, for that life was
my own. I took my life when I found out I was a witch.
"Salem Quinn, get your skinny butt down here
and eat some breakfast. If we are late again today, I promise you, Mom will
slaughter us in out sleep," Abigail yelled from downstairs. I always thought
that my sister was the biggest mistake my mother had ever made either that or
naming us both after a historical event. The Salem Witch Trials with Abigail
Williams, our heritage in a name. While most people got stuck with Jill, Lisa,
Melanie, and other typical names of the female sex our family is obsessed with
names like Mercy and Mary, two of the so-called afflicted ones. All the men of
my family have the names of the judges or the male accused parties. I was
supposed to be the special one. I didn't get the name of an afflicted one or an
accused one; I got the actual name of the city where it took place! Oh joy, for
I put down my just finished book and
clambered towards the door. I flung my bag around my shoulder and walked out.
Abigail waited at the edge of the stairs. Her strick black hair pulled into two
braided pigtails. She glared at me with her welcome-stare.
"What were you doing up there, finishing
your homework?" she asked, waving her hands around like a lunatic.
"Unlike you, Williams, I actually do my
homework before the morning comes around," I said winding around a corner.
Abigail rolled her eyes and marched into the kitchen. I pranced around behind
her. I landed with a thump on the kitchen's too-tall wooden chairs for their
too-tall table...
I reached into my bag and grabbed a new book. Abigail
starred at me.
"Are you finished with the other one?" she
asked. I nodded, blindly searching for the milk. I felt something and gripped
only to realize that I was gripping only the corner of it.
"Salem!" Abigail screamed out. I looked up
seeing the milk tipping towards the ground.
"Shoot! Stop it!" We darted for the milk,
not wanting to waist the time to clean it up. The two of us fell onto the
ground, missing the milk completely. Salem closed her eyes waiting for the milk
to fly on top of her. She waited then, opened her eyes. The milk was lying flat
on the floor, yes, but the lid was closed. My cheeks turned red and Abigail had
the same reaction.
"Oh..." I shrugged, "it was closed." I
picked it and myself up. Abigail looked puzzled.
"It wasn't. I didn't close it after I used
it." I scratched my head then shrugged again.
"Well, who cares how it happened, just as
long as we didn't have to clean in up." Abigail didn't take the bait. I checked
my watch.
"Shoot! We are going to be late!" I grabbed
my book and bag and ran to the door, Abigail following behind me.
"And whose fault is that?" she queried. I
ignored her and tried to open the door, it didn't budge.
"I can't do this today! Open, darn you!" I
called out, only to be rewarded with it to open. "Nice," I whispered. Abigail
rolled her eyes and jumped into the already moving vehicle.
We got to school almost two minutes before
the bell, which was record timing for us. Both of us darted to our lockers. Odd
enough, our lockers were right by each other. Fate or doom? Being the day that
it was my locker wouldn't open and Abigail went on ahead, muttering her apology,
but laughing hysterically inside. I twisted, turned, and jiggled the lock with
no success.
"Shoot!" I yelled out to no one in
particular. "Shoot, shoot, shoot!" I checked my watch and bolted to my class,
which was on the third floor. I dodged and ducked the loungers, the people who
would just stay on the stairs until they were late enough that they get
detention and meet up there.
"Hey, Quinn, where's your broomstick?" one
said as she jumped over their out-stretched feet.
"Salem is just the place that the trials
took place, oh-ingenious-one, and witches are just fiction," I panted as I got
up to the third level. I opened the door and fell into my seat as the bell
chimed. I place my head on my desk, breathing heavily.
"Why, Ms. Quinn," Mr. Wintok said, smoothly,
"nice to see you are on time today. Care to read us your essay on the Witch
Trials?" I turned my head over and starred at him, my head still on the desk.
"It would be my honor," I said as I pulled
up my bag. I fished around until I found it. I slowly picked myself up and
dragged my feet up to the front of the class. I cleared my throat and began.
"In a time of superstition..." she started.
"And no television," a classmate muttered.
The class burst into hysterics. Mr. Wintok gave a weary eye and nodded her to
"In a time of superstition the people of
Salem," the class snickered once more, "were wary of the Devil's power. They
believed that we would come to you at night with a black book, beckoning you to
sign an oath to him. They also believed that people accepted his offer, they
were called witches..." I went on aware of the presence of Mr. Wintok's stare.
As I closed off my last statement the room was silent. I looked up, and followed
the gaze of everyone's. My eyes meet those of a woman. She tilted her head and
her long red hair fell into her face.
"You have a way with words," she said,
smiling. My lip twitched. The woman looked towards Mr. Wintok. "Ms. Salem
Quinn?" Mr. Wintok pointed, speechless. The woman's smile grew. "Good. Salem, I
need to talk with you." I nodded, hesitantly. She walked out of the room and
followed. She turned to me, her face grave. "Salem, you must help me. The Coven
is in dire need of one as powerful as you." I frowned.
"What the heck are you talking about, lady?
What do you mean by Coven?" She looked puzzled.
"Why, the Coven of the Witches. The Coven of
Salem. Your coven." I starred at her then busted out it laughter.
"All right, lady, sure. I'll play along. I'm
Salem Quinn, a witch and you need my expertise on what? Magic? Potions? Spells?"
My laughter stopped at the sight of her face.
"You haven't taken your vows then? You don't
know about your calling?"
"One, no, I am not married. Two, I don't
have a cell phone, and truly don't want one," I said, exasperated.
"The vows of the witches are not something
to take lightly." I rolled my eyes.
"Lady, you are messed-up." She bowed her
"No, I believe that you are. You aren't
accepting that you are a witch!" she cried out. My mind flashed back to the milk
and the car to not opening and shook my head. I truly was turning crazy.
"You have powers, Salem. You are a witch!" I
looked at her.
"Powers? Like what? If I am such hot stuff
in Witch World, what kind of powers do I have? Can I turn into animals, can I
freeze time? Huh? Can I move things with the mind? Could I just say "open" and
all would open?" The woman stood there smiling. "What are you smiling at, lady?"
She pointed. I turned around to see all the locker doors in the hallway open. I
backed up into the wall. "What the... I didn't just... no. No way. You got to be
kidding me." I darted down the stairs, panting with exhilaration. I thought
about everything. Mostly, I thought that this was somehow horribly wrong, but I
knew that it wasn't. I ran out of the school and went to by car. Sitting inside
it was the woman. She opened the door and smiled.
"Get in," she whispered. I shook my head.
"Get in," she said, once more, this time forceful. I walked over to the car and
got in, my heart beating out of my chest. She smiled. "Do you believe me now?"
she asked. I nodded, slowly. There was no scientific way that she could have
beaten me to the car.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"My name is Court," she said with precision.
"And your power?" I gulped. She smiled.
"I can move myself with my mind. That is my
primary power and yours is telekinesis. You can move things with your mind and
your power is growing. We must test and teach you if you are to become part of
the Coven," she said. My hands were shaking. I nodded once again. It was the
only thing that I could do at the moment. I faced the road and pressed the gas
"Where are we going?" I asked even though I
was the one who was driving the car.
"To the Sacred Tree," Court said. I rolled
my eyes.
"Oh, sure. Know exactly where that is," I
said sarcastically, but in a way I could feel something pulling me. "What about
Abigail? She doesn't have a ride home without me."
"We will be back before then," she said. I
nodded and drove on.
I turned the car off when we got the Sacred
"This is the place where the hung the
accused," I said, matter-of-factly. Court nodded. We got out of the car and
walked over to the tree. A group of women were seated in the shape of a star
within a triangle. I starred at them, overwhelmed.
"Before you can help us, you must become one
of us," Court said as she led the way. The group of women turned to greet us.
They bowed in reverence.
"Our leader," they whispered. I lead over to
"Are they talking about you?" I asked. Court
just smiled.
"Ladies, I have brought the leader, but she
is ill-trained and has not taken the vows. We must prepare her," Court
announced. She turned to me, and then pushed me inside the star. A sudden flash
of light engulfed the star and I screamed out in pain. I felt myself being
lifted up into the air, yet by no one. A shrill whistle screamed inside my ear
and I fell to the ground as the light lessened. I didn't open my eyes; all I
could hear was the sound of the wind on the trees.
Slowly, I opened my eyes. The women were
laying unconscious all around. I cried out as I saw the barren wasteland that I
created. The soil was gritty and the houses were knocked flat. I got up,
sobbing. I tried walking, yet fell down. Lying beside me was Court. Her eyes
opened and smiled.
"You are more powerful than we imagined and
you helped us even without training," she whispered. I cried out.
"You wanted this to happen?" Court smiled.
"This is just the beginning. The world will
soon be ours. The witches will rule, with your help." I shut my eyes tight, my
tears going through my lashes. I opened them suddenly.
"I will never help you," I whispered. Then I
ran. I ran as fast and as far as I could.
I did this. It was all my fault. I am a
witch and I destroyed the world.
If I could do this, why can't I put it back,
a thought sang. I could make it better. I walked over to the tree and climbed on
top of its mangled branches. I looked up at the desolate sky then, closed my
"Turn back to a time of happiness," I
whispered, "I command thee to move. Earth, move back to where you once where.
Release the joyful and consume the sorrow. Move, I tell you!" I screamed out. I
opened my eyes to see the green grass and the blue, rolling clouds. I smiled and
drifted into darkness.

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