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Phil's Chronicles
Barry N. Rodgers

Chapter Four
Slicker and Blue kept the Family informed of current
events - news relevant to the street dwellers. They moved around a lot,
watching and gathering information. They knew everyone and everyone’s
business. What Blue had not learned from Digger, Slicker had taught him.
Much of what Slicker taught Blue was less than crucial
to Blue’s survival; for example, Slicker had tried desperately to convince Blue
that he should engage in sex with the whores on Mulberry Street. He had done so
with hopes that Blue would substitute intercourse for his preferred method of
releasing sexual tension; masturbation. Slicker wasn’t against the idea of
self-manipulation so much as he was concerned that Blue would be arrested for
public indecency - Blue was less than discreet about where he performed. He was
a proficient and zealous self-manipulator. Slicker fervently tried to teach
Blue some restraint, as Blue would grab himself and start jerking whenever the
urge struck him, which was quite often - an unacceptable social activity,
although quite a common sight among street dwellers. But so far he had not
enjoyed much success in thwarting the big ox’s sex drive.
Today, however, they had big news to share with the
Family. A new shelter had opened across from the freeway underpass. According
to Slicker, "It’s some kind of church shelter, one of those outreach programs."
Slicker rolled his eyes in disgust, and Blue mimicked him.
Slicker retrieved a cigarette-butt from his coat pocket,
lit it, and savored the smoke as it filled his lungs. Though plentiful, it
required several cigarette-butts to satisfy Slicker’s nicotine craving; but he
had time, and a pocket-full of butts. For as long as the zealots were around
the Family could get food, clothes, and a warm place to sleep; and all they need
do was patronize the missionaries. Exploitation was just another means to the
end of survival for the street dwellers.
Make them feel like they, the poor miserable, heathenish
street wretches, would be dead if not for the kindness and benevolence of the
self-righteous. The street people knew that the missionaries wouldn’t last very
long. Their kind came and went like day and night. They wanted to help, but
frustration drove them away after a brief attempt at saving the lost.
"They don’t understand, they can’t understand." Phil’s
thoughts became words, and his words were let loose on the wind like seeds.
"They represent the system; the system from which all blessings flow. However,
all misery flows down to us from the system as well. They also fail to see how
they symbolize the very things we’re all in exile from; they’re the clones, the
ones we’re trying to avoid becoming. So, we use them. We eat their food, wear
their clothes, and sleep in their shelters, but we don’t get close to them and
we never let them get very close to us. Getting too close to the missionaries
can land you at the Farm. Besides, we don’t need them to show us God, we know
God. He talks to us, to Moses, and Moses tells us what he says."
Moses, another long-time member of the Family, was an
obstreperous old lunatic; but his words were divine, virtually all of which came
from the Bible. He was often a wild-man; ranting and raving, jumping about and
throwing things.
Digger convinced the rest of the Family to take Moses
into the fold. "Crazy or not, he’s in as much need of us as we are of each
other," he had advocated. It mattered little to Moses, he could have cared less
whether they let him hang around with them or not. He was as content to go his
own way, alone, as he was to be part of the Family. Still, he stayed. No one
wants to be alone if given a choice. Not even Moses.
One of the more memorable of Moses’ sermons was rendered
while the Family was staying at Handout’s place, escaping the cold - his
exegesis addressed the doom of Babylon, as written of in the New Testament Book
of Revelation.[9] "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! It has become a
dwelling place of demons, a haunt of every foul and hateful bird . . ."[10]
Foaming and frothing, quoting scripture after scripture,
Moses escalated to a frenzied, possessed state. As he preached, he ripped off
layer after layer of shabby clothing until finally he was naked, perched atop a
table, singing - his own version of "Shall We Gather at the River" - while
frenetically dancing about. He kicked trays of food and slung gravy on everyone
within a thirty-foot radius - presumably it was holy gravy. The fact that Moses
was naked and covered with mashed potatoes and gravy might have damaged his
credibility, but it did not stop him.
Soon there were several naked people dancing around the
Shelter cafeteria, throwing food and adding to the chaotic atmosphere that Moses
had incited. It was a big party until the police showed up and made everyone
settle down and put their clothes back on. They arrested Moses and tried to
cover him with a blanket but Moses would have nothing to do with this. For
reasons known only to Moses, being naked was an integral part of his religious
experience. The Family never disputed his method, or his madness. If Moses
wanted to get naked and preach, then he could damn well get naked and preach.
No one saw Moses for a long time after the incident at
Handout’s place. When he did return he was his usual self; calm, passive, with
the occasional religious, naked outburst. Moses was immune to all forms of
therapy, including drugs and shock treatments. He’d been to the Farm more times
than anyone could count and he always came back unaffected. Phil presumed that
Moses had to be a source of frustration to the clones at the Farm. He feared
they would terminate Moses, failing all attempts to conform him. The system did
its worst and Moses continued his ministry, such as it was.
Phil knew that the system had ways of killing people
that didn’t look like killing. They can kill you, yet keep enough of you alive
to prevent them, the system clones, from being charged with a crime. They stay
just outside the reach of the law. They are the law. If you cause them too
much aggravation, they’ll make you a vegetable; a motionless, lifeless, soulless
vegetable. Produce is much easier to care for than the mentally ill. Produce
requires very little maintenance. Phil didn’t want to see Moses changed into a
vegetable. Before Moses joined the Family they lacked any way of knowing what
God wanted them to do. None of them could talk to Him. They had encountered
several people claiming to be Jesus, but none of them ever stayed around very
long, and none of them knew the Book like Moses.
Chapter Five

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