The Writers Voice
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Magic Writers' Marbles
Bob Hyman

I often wander
the aisles of the local hobby store to check out
the products priced for clearance. Generally these
are the leftover one-of-a-kind items, opened
packages, and things that have broken or missing
parts. Most of the time, all I find is junk that no
one would want. However, I have found some great
bargains, and occasionally, even some truly
wondrous surprises.
Recently, I came across a bag of clear glass
marbles. A jagged tear in the bottom of the bag was
taped shut, and I could tell that at least half of
the original marbles were missing. Of the ones
remaining, many were chipped or cracked. But after
a closer look, I could see that a few were still in
pristine condition. Now, I really didn't know what
I could do with a few glass marbles, but they were
definitely a good deal when marked down by
seventy-five percent. I bought them, figuring I
would find a use for them later.
After I returned home, I emptied the bag onto the
table so I could separate the good marbles from the
damaged ones. A folded slip of paper fell out of
the bag. At first I thought it was just a packing
slip from the manufacturer. I started to throw it
out with the empty bag. As I began to crumple the
paper in my hand, I noticed the words "Magic
Writers' Marbles" at the top.
Intrigued, I
opened it to read these words:
Congratulations. You are now in possession of the
finest Magic Writers' Marbles in existence. Here
are the instructions for their use and care:
First, take a look at your marbles. You'll notice
that each is a sphere. A sphere is a very resilient
form; it can take pressure from all sides. Just as
in writing, you may have to take pressure from many
sides at the same time.
You will notice that your marbles are transparent,
but not invisible. Your life and your motives may
be transparent to many readers, but your words are
never invisible. Your audience will see your every
word. Bear this in mind as you perform your tasks
in setting your words to paper.
If you look through a marble, it's like a lens.
Looking through it, you may notice that things look
topsy-turvy. Just like sometimes critics may think
your style of writing is upside down. Simply remove
the lens and everything is as it should be. If you
are honest, and have the readers' best interests in
mind, don't worry about what critics may think.
Your marbles are very hard; it takes quite a bit of
force to make them break. Just as many times your
days as a writer may be very hard. Yet remember
that your marbles can be broken - even by a simple
accident - just as a sharp word, written in anger
or frustration, can break the heart of a young
Finally, use your marbles wisely, just as you
choose your words wisely. You will notice that a
little of the marbles' magic disappears with every
word you write. Yet with proper care, they will
last you a lifetime. Keep your marbles in a safe
place, close to your heart.
Every time you
use a marble, think of this place and this time,
and of the fellowship you now share with your
fellow writers. Many of them have already received
their own marbles; but some of them have not.
Keep that in
mind and ... share the magic.

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