Writer's Voice
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Left Behind
Bruce Longman

Benjamin Lightwood yawned and reached out to switch off his
alarm. As he did every morning, Benjamin slurped a mouthful of water from the
glass he habitually kept next to his bed and then picked up the remote control
to turn on the television.
The TV hissed quietly in the corner, the screen reflecting
only white flecked snow. Benjamin frowned and picked up the remote again,
flicking through channels. More snow.
He pulled himself upright and turned on the bedside radio.
Static. He twisted the dial. More static.
Even stranger.
Perhaps there had been a power failure somewhere. If there
was, Dynanet would know about it. He swung his skinny legs out of the bed and
padded over to his computer terminal still dressed in his pajamas. He quickly
requested a host session and waited to be connected to Dynanet's mainframe. Host
not responding.
Now that was really strange. Dynanet never went down.
Certainly not once in the nine years Benjamin had worked for the data processing
company. As a remote operator, Benjamin was contracted to accept programming
assignments which, once completed, he transmitted back to Dynanet. All of which
he did on his own PC at home, not even needing to open his front door to go to
work. A bit lonely some might say, but it paid the bills and had the added
benefit of eliminating office friction and company politics.
Benjamin reached for the telephone. Maybe the network people
could get his terminal up again.
No dial tone.
A hollow appeared in the pit of Benjamin's belly. This had
moved beyond the realm of strange and was now firmly entrenched in the bizarre.
He would have to go Out. Benjamin did not like going Out. Out
was a place filled with people, and Benjamin did not relate very well with
people. Computers he could understand. He was good with computers. Brilliant
even. But, unlike computers, people were unpredictable, unreliable, inefficient
and more often than not, vindictive. Benjamin wanted as little to do with people
as possible. He even ordered his groceries on Shopnet.com and was as abrupt with
the delivery boy as he could be. No, interacting with fellow members of the
human race was not on Benjamin's list of favorite pastimes.
Not that he never went Out. Even brilliant computer
programmers needed fresh air occasionally. This was best done late in the
evening when the streets were deserted and he could walk down the road at
harmony with the night. On his own.
And he could drive.
Benjamin loved to drive. It was something else he could do
without fear of human interference, safely cocooned in isolated comfort. As long
as it was when the mass of humanity was at home safely in bed and the only
conflict he needed fear was the occasionally inquisitive cop. Benjamin could
comfortably have lived as a hermit in a forgotten mountain cottage whiling his
days away in quiet solitude, but instead, he was cursed with a love for modern
day technology, which resulted in his paradoxical lifestyle on the fringes of a
concrete hell.
Benjamin dressed carefully in gray flannels, white shirt,
conservative striped tie and dark blazer. He locked the apartment door and
walked down the two flights of stairs to the garage where his five-year-old
Toyota was parked. He sometimes wished he could afford something a little
faster, a little more exciting, a little less mundane, but even if his modest
salary could stretch to a BMW or Mercedes, the by-product of those sleek
machines was the attention that was inevitably focused on the driver.
Benjamin was surprised and pleased to note the absence of
traffic on the roads leading from his apartment block, but his pleasure soon
turned to alarm as he approached the city. There was not another car in sight.
Not just vehicles, but the sidewalks also seemed to have been
swept clean of human presence. No street vendors selling their wares, no
pointsmen directing the traffic, not a pedestrian in sight.
At first he considered that it might be a public holiday he
had forgotten, or perhaps he had somehow lost a day or two and it was Sunday;
but even that would not account for the absolute desertion of the streets.
He pulled into a shopping mall, his mouth dry. The parking
area was devoid of cars. He stopped at the main entrance and slowly climbed out
of the Toyota.
Totally bizarre.
The shops were open, the lights on, but there was no evidence
of people anywhere. He stepped through the open door into a large department
store and strode quickly through the floor looking left and right, for the first
time in his life desperate for any sign of humanity.
The store was ready and open for business, but no shop
assistants manned the registers or clients the aisles.
It was eerie.
Feeling as if some dark presence lurked unseen behind the
racks of clothing,
Benjamin spun on his heels and ran out of the mall as if
chased by the very hounds of hell themselves.
He fumbled with his keys and pulled thankfully away from the
mall, tires burning two stripes into the blacktop.
What was going on? Was he the only person left in the city?
On the earth?
He drove slowly into the heart of a city that looked like the
final set of Neville Shute's "On the Beach." He considered various
possibilities. A plague had swept through the land wiping out its entire
population. But overnight? And death seldom left no signature in its wake.
Perhaps an evacuation due to some unnamed threat; nuclear
fallout perhaps.
While he doubted the logistics of moving three million people
overnight, even it was true, then where was the evidence? Abandoned motor
vehicles; looted stores; silver suited military patrols.
No matter how quickly an evacuation team might work or how
speedily a disease swept through the city, certainly some, if not most, of the
people affected, would at least have had time to lock their houses or shut up
their stores.
All of these theories were all very interesting but none
accounted for one simple fact. Why had Benjamin Lightwood been left behind? Why
was he the only soul in an empty city? Or were there other of the forgotten few
roaming the streets?
If there were, Benjamin could certainly see no sign of them.
He smiled.
There was, of course, one advantage to being the only person
left in the city.
Only an advantage if your name was Benjamin Lightwood, and
you had an avid dislike for people of any shape or size.
No people equals no intimidation. No confrontation and no
conflict. This added to the fact that Benjamin had an entire city at his
disposal. An unpeopled city full of unlimited pleasures at no cost.
Thus began Benjamin Lightwood's day of hedonistic indulgence.
First on the list was a brand new off-the-show-room-floor
Mercedes 500SL convertible, discovered in a dealership just off Main Street.
Keys in the ignition ready to roll. Benjamin vaulted over the doorframe and in
less than twenty seconds was cruising at plus one hundred through the deserted
city, the wind of his passage ruffling his meticulously combed hair.
The machine felt like a wild beast beneath his feet, and
Benjamin came alive.
He only returned to his apartment as the sun was setting, the
trunk of the Mercedes loaded with electronic equipment that would convert his
humble apartment into an extravaganza of hi-tech gadgetry. He was not fool
enough to believe that the electrical power still lighting the city would last,
so he had even raided a portable generator. He reasoned that there was enough
gas left in the thousands of gas stations scattered throughout the city to keep
him going for many years.
He left the car on the street as he was too exhausted to park
it in the garage.
Also, there was no need. Who was there to steal it?
He nuked dinner in his newly acquired microwave and relaxed
in a recliner, still filled with jubilation over the possibilities the future
held for him. The world had become his, and only his. He could do whatever he
wanted, and never again need be filled with fear when he went Out.
Benjamin was not stupid; he knew he was different. In the
beginning he had been concerned that he might be on the brink of insanity, but
he had finally come to accept that his condition was a simple phobia; just like
other people were scared of spiders or heights. Even if the rest of the world
thought him anti-social, he could live with himself. Not a complete existence,
but an acceptable compromise.
Now all of that had changed.
He had the world to himself with all the things he loved at
his personal disposal. He collapsed into bed and immediately fell asleep still
dreaming of the paradise that had so irrevocably changed his world for so much
the better.
Benjamin Lightwood yawned and reached out to switch off his
alarm. As he did every morning, Benjamin slurped a mouthful of water from the
glass he kept next to his bed and then picked up the remote control to turn on
the television.
As he touched the button, he thought: how stupid, there will
only be snow on the screen, but by then habit had already won and he pressed the
"on" switch anyway.
The television set jumped into life, the eyes of the pretty
blond girl reading the news seemingly acknowledging his sudden presence.
What? How? Benjamin fell back against the pillows, a cloud of
depression instantly descending over him. Damn it to hell! It had all been a
dream. He stared at the girl on TV morosely.
" ...And on a rather strange note, yesterday morning a
brazen car thief walked into Exclusive Cars just off Main Street and drove out
in a brand new Mercedes convertible in full view of three stunned
Benjamin's jaw dropped open. It couldn't be...
"But it seemed as if this thief was not content with
just stealing a luxury car. A man fitting the same description, only minutes
later, went on an unprecedented rampage through most of the city's electronic
stores stealing enough equipment to... "
Benjamin stopped listening, sprang out of bed and rushed over
to the window.
"...Police sources confirm that they already have a
suspect, and expect to make an arrest shortly... "
Parked directly below Benjamin's apartment was a silver-gray
Mercedes 500SL with the top still down. Benjamin closed his eyes, but instead of
seeing the bars of a cell close around him, he saw a suffocating legal system
filled with so many people that nothing, absolutely NOTHING could ever shut them
In the distance a siren began to wail.

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