The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Long Hot Summer


Carey Lenehan

English summer days in the heavy southern haze
Of ten million moving cars and the toxins that they raise
English summer oceans, Oh, whoever had the notion
That pollution could not hurt, that the balance would still work?

How can we believe that these spreading summer trees
Can still purify a world that we have so diseased?
Is the bounty of clean land, a gift that humans cannot stand?
We may be busy with our lives, but will Antarctica survive?

And twenty-five years on, when our water is all gone
Will we still refuse to change the path we've traveled on?
Will our children starve and fail, or can humanity prevail?
Though I fear we cannot change these habits so engrained

I wish for purer skies when these summer days arrive
So summer flowers can dazzle and summer trees survive
Maybe crystal mountain air, could bless us everywhere
Give us purity of heart and a fresh un poisoned start

Instead there's just corruption in a world bent on destruction
Where bombs and lives explode amidst political obstruction
Nature's worst disease, lethal to the trees
A plague upon all plagues, humanity gone astray.

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