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Poem To My Baby #2
Cesar A. Miranda

Have you
ever wondered why the sun comes out?
Or why does it rain?
Because of you.
Every time you open your eyes the sun comes out,
To light the world inspired by you,
Every time you cry,
Heaven gets hurt and makes rain to let the world
My beautiful gift from God is in pain.
My heart breathes through you and for you,
I smile because of the simple reason that you
My world revolves around you,
And so does everything beautiful in life,
Beauty was created the day you were born,
And the world will always know that you are here,
Because your beauty and kindness get expressed,
Through the sweetest emotions and actions.
If someone would have to describe you,
It would be impossible,
All they can do is put words to a reality,
That couldn’t be explain with all the lifetimes
Such beauty and sweetness,
Would need to have its own words invented to
describe it,
And it would still be impossible to do it.
You my Princess,
The creator of my days,
The creator of my happiness,
Smiles, and peace,
Your voice is the beautiful melody,
That calms my heart and inspires the birds to sing
every morning.
If they gave me just a few words to try to describe
I could only say this:
"My life starts the moment you open your eyes."

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