Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website


There is no going back.
The bridges have been burned.
Retreat is no longer an option;
We win, or we perish . . .
like the Commander of an army
outnumbered 6 to 1, who went to battle
on foreign shores and won . . . forward
we march with arms upraised triumphantly
before the first drop of blood
ever hits the ground . . . as drumbeats
pound the silence
with the sound of victory.
We’re warriors engaged
in hand to hand combat
to the death, our enemies invisible,
our wars waged internally,
our victory a matter of
perspective, but nevertheless
we’re warriors
willing to bleed for our cause:
Warriors fighting for the right to dream . . .
and retreat is no longer an option
the bridges have all been burned,
there is no going back; We win,
or we perish.

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