Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

I Were An Atheist

If I were an atheist . . .
I’d shoot myself in the head,
yes, that’s what I’d do
the very moment I
came to the conclusion
that life has no meaning,
that everything’s an accident,
and there is no God;
that we just breathe
and then we don’t.
If I believed this . . . I
would shoot myself
in the head
Why go on? Why even bother
trying to survive --- more or less
fight in the war of life,
if in the end
you die . . .
and that’s it?
How could I face
this same stupid routine,
day after day --- enduring
this neon nonsense
called progress . . . only to be
another day closer to death ---
if everything collapses
rather than expands?

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