Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

I Really Want

I want to see brand-new
BMW’s abandoned
on the side of the road,
people folded over
laughing at the idea
of spending sixty-five thousand dollars
for a car; a world where
you drive the car closest to you
when you leave
and when you return
you just leave the keys in it.
I want to see people working . . .
for themselves.
I want to look out over fields of
food growing on trees . . . freely to eat
for all people . . . and tell my grandchildren
about how ‘when I was a boy . . .
all this used to be covered in concrete
and money governed everything
from the birth of children
to the death of presidents
and countries;’ and I
want them not to be able
to believe it and say . . .
‘yeah, sure grampa.'

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