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What I Believe
Chantel Rasmussen

This is an essay that I wrote for my teacher, it was something she had asked the
class to do, it was on our believes, I got the highest mark in the class(or at
least would have if I'd handed it in on time.) I felt it would be nice if I
shared this with you.
I believe in Jesus Christ, our savour. I believe what I belive because I was
raised to believe this and because this is what I feel is right. In a way, I
guess I believe the same as my parents, but in a way I don't, I guess you could
say I created my own form of Christianity based on an old religion and what I've
learned and seen in life. I don't think anyone in my religious "group" behaves
the same way I do. I have my own way of thinking and behaving which is very
different from how most Christians think or behave, you cannot be perfect nor
create it, people try too hard, you need to accept your life and the mistakes
you've made and only feel guilty when you've done something against what YOU
believe is right.
I pray every night that God will protect His creations and that things get
better in my life and my friends lives. I know there is a higher power because
people need something to belive in, something to have faith in. I believe we got
here through God creating Adam and Eve. God created us. We are all on this earth
to learn, it's like a school that you can't drop out of. There is a purpose to
everyones life, we are all supposed to learn. Everything we hear about or
experiance is all part of our lessons. Bad things happen because it's a test to
see if we can keep our faith and trust in God.
I believe that when you die you go to heaven for your assesment to see if you
"passed". If you killed someone or yourself you get "suspended", in other words
you go to hell for a few years, but you do get a second chance. If you mess up
again you stay in hell for eternity. I'm dating a guy from another religious
background, it's cultural enlightenment and another learning experiance. It has
never and will never bother me what relion my boyfriend or my friends are from.
There is no freedom of religious expression in the U.S. as far as I can see. I
think they're afraid to offend anyone. Even though they didn't care when they
first settled on this land and forced the Aboriginal people to follow their
religion. I don't know what their problem is, it could be fear or just plain
stupidity, but they should think about it. I also believe that if everyone was
the same religion, we'd all be the same as each other. What you believe, your
religion, comes from with-in, it's in your soul, pre-decided, we NEED different
religions in our society to be true to ourselves.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. And please know that I am by NO
means impossing anything on anyone. thanx! Shorty

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