Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Michael Eugene Chapman
August 26, 1971 - October 17, 1998
Charilette Rai Sweeney

Fall leaves of yellow, brown and red rustled quietly in the
Birds sang their sweet morning song high aloft in the trees
Sunlight sparkled across the treetops brightening the morning
Bless this day the Lord hath made and that Michael chose to
Depression, loneliness, despair, anger, pain and rage
Who could know his torment or the battles that he waged
Now Michael's found the peace he sought it's now our turn to
So many questions left unanswered and we are left to wonder
Gone the light that twinkled in his eyes gone too his boyish
Gone forever his sweet smile things we will never see again
Curls of golden brown on white satin softly laid
"Son I'll meet you one day in Heaven," his mother's
promise being made
Until angels bring the gift of comfort that only God can send
We must say goodbye to Michael 'til we see him once again

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