The Writer's Voice

The World's Favourite Literary Website

Song of the Whippoorwills


Charilette Rai Sweeney

Mother loved the whippoorwills, oh how she loved to hear them sing

Heralding the twilight and the stars their song would bring

Their song brought back pleasant memories of childhood dreams gone by

"My father's farm - my mother's smile," she spoke softly with a sigh


The trees have since burst into flames of color now that autumn time is here

In the changing of the seasons the Hand of God is evident when it's near

And I have listened all throughout the night from the twilight unto the dawn

It all seems rather curious but, like mother, the songbirds are now gone


Yes, Mother loved the whippoorwills, how she loved to hear them sing

Heralding the twilight and the stars their song would bring

Their song brought back pleasant memories of childhood dreams gone by

Now I too love the whippoorwills and their haunting, lonesome cry

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