The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

With Every Sun There is a Night


Connie Dai

With every coming sun there is a night,
with every life there is a death.
Once so brightly a candle shone,
now its flickering flame leaves behind only unlimited darkness.
But with every death there is also life.
A new blade of grass is born with a long journey ahead of it,
it's up to itself to make it.
A delicate balance,
powerful balance forms this world.
One single pebble can tip it and then a deep coldness,
a strange eerie feeling,
sweeps over,
covering the world in a blanket of darkness.
Every wound has a time for healing,
though some may take as long as boxwood trees to grow.
The world is forever hurting and healing,
so don't worry child,
with every death there is a life.

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