The Writers Voice
The World's
Favourite Literary Website

Cynthia Todd

Strays frequent my back porch.
Some have been owned but have lost their owners
Some are still owned but wander.
Others have always been stray.
I put out nourishment for them
Because they are charming
And sometimes sad and kind of pathetic
And they seem to need it.
Some frequent other back porches as well.
That’s okay with me
I don’t want them permanently perched on my porch anyway.
Although there is one that I would like to bring into the house
Where it’s warm and comfortable and safe.
I want to take him to get his shots
And put a handsome collar on him with his name and my phone number
Should he get outside and get lost.
Or begin frequenting other back porches.
I want him to curl up with me in bed at night
And bark at strange noises
So I feel safe and protected.
So I open the back door when he comes around
And sometimes he’ll stick his head in to look around and sniff
But he always runs off
Back to wherever it is that he feels safe and free
Probably afraid that if he came inside he might not ever be able to get back

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