Writer's Voice
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Your Eyes

I read somewhere that the eyes,
Are mirrors of the soul?
I believe the eyes are also,
Mirrors of the heart
For when I look into your eyes.
I see the hurt.
I see the sadness.
If only I could help.
But words you speak not.
Just a smile on your face. To try to conceal the pain.
All this pain you keep inside.
I wondered where you were.
I stopped by to see you.
To let you know I cared.
Your mother came to the door.
Telling me what happened
OH! NO! I cried.
Then ran crying out the door.
Now I have all these questions.
Of what I should have, or
What I could have done.
I feel so sad inside.
I will always remember.
The eyes are mirrors of the soul.
The eyes are mirrors of the heart.
Now my best friend is gone.
I will truly miss my best friend.

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