The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

9 A.M. Courtroom #3


D. A. Williams

The mother of my child
My wife; and at times
My best friend
Now forced to wonder
If I'll ever see her again

We started off strong
And on the right path
But somehow our lives
Just seemed to get off track

Somewhere we lost sight
Of the moon and the stars
The dreams became his and hers
And were no longer ours

Now the words are like weapons
Used with the intent to wound
I want the animosity to die
And I hope that it dies soon

We took a vow before God
In front of family
In front of friends
That vow burns in my mind
And I don't want
All of this to end

So where do we go from here
What are we gonna do?
I know that I can carry on from here
But I don't want to without you

I know how you feel
It is me you don't know
But if you want to ease my pain
I'm willing to let it show

But please look through my eyes
It felt as if you were never there
You were out chasing your dreams
And for me you didn't care

I still love you
Do you feel the same for me?
A paper came in the mail today
9 A.M. in courtroom #3

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