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If I Died Tonight
D. A. Williams

If I died tonight
Would the world stop?
Would anyone notice?
Would lines continue to drop?
Or would the words stop flowing?
Have I changed the world
Made it a better place
Guided someone's life
With some of the words I say?
Have they reached out
To someone cold and alone
Brightened up the day
Of someone that I'll never know?
If I died tonight
Have my actions changed the world
Somewhere on this Earth today
Will another pass on those actions
On some other day?
Will the words remain
For generations to read
Or would they die with me
And no one take heed?
If I died tonight
Would I go to a better place?
Or would I feel the flames
Of a fall from grace?
Could I see the world
From a vantage point higher?
Or would I serve an eternity
On a lake of fire?
Should I embrace death
Do I have an angel waiting?
Or do I fight
With all my might
To avoid a date with the devil?
If I died tonight
Would I travel in which direction?
I think I'll hang around
Until I can answer my own question!!!

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