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An Unpleasant Dawn
Daniel Borgertpoepping

“It is with great conviction that I utter these words to
you, my people. There are many who have said that the time of our greatness has
reached its end. That the Benevolent Imperial Empire has seen its last sunrise,
that our people are all but ready to fade into legend. I stand before you now,
with a plea for the same faith you have shown before. We have not seen our last
sunrise, but the first of a new age. An age of truly aggressive expansion,
imperialism at any cost. We will lash out at those responsible for our strife
with a vengeance never before seen by this universe. Their rivers will run with
blood, and their sun shall cry out in unending anguish. But the ferocity will
not be stymied, the waves of righteousness will not break upon the rocks of our
enemies, but break through! It will wash the infidels back unto the abyss from
whence they came, and they shall rue the day they thought to challenge our
might. To you, our enemies-While you “expanded” your domain, while you increased
trade, you neglected to watch us. While you sat on your cushions and lived with
your luxuries, you neglected to watch us. While you looked to the sky, believing
in the greatness of your culture, you remained oblivious to that which lay
beneath; the rotting foundation of your government, and the decay of your
Republic. I say now, and let it be remembered in the greatest books of history
unwritten, total war has been declared upon you and your constituents, and we
shall not rest until the suns and their stars have been scourged of your
diseased ideals.”
Early sunlight crept over the horizon like
blood spilling from a fresh wound. As the first rays struck the white stone
towers of San Tentra, the capital city of Delmae, the metropolis came alive;
every adult walking purposefully towards their workplace to begin another day.
Miraculously, the streets remained unclogged, free for horses and their couriers
to trot through. An outsider would never know the nation was at war, for cities
across the country acted similarly. Each large city was its own regional state,
complete with a complement of outlying villages. The government of the
Benevolent Imperial Empire was centered in San Tentra, where monthly caucuses
and meetings occurred between the Emperor and the central government, called
Acumen, and the rest of the Imperial Bureaucrats. Each city/state had its own
Governing Council, headed by a Cealot, with a support crew of another twenty
bureaucrats. Each section of states, usually around six in number, fell under
the jurisdiction of a Grand Cealot, who had the ear of the emperor. Once a
month, all forty-three Cealots, each accompanied by two of their underlings,
would come together with their Grand Cealots for a massive council with He Whom
The Lord Smiles Upon. Xerxes the Stern had ruled Delmae well for the first
twenty years of his reign. He was loved by his people, and respected by his
political colleagues. His charisma began to fade along with the deterioration of
relations with theCyklone Domain, across the Parched Ocean. He became
increasingly ineffective as public dissent rose and war became imminent. Even
his supporters had been heard whispering, “Death with dignity is not such a
horrible thing”. Two years ago, war erupted in the valleys on the outskirts of
the Parched Ocean. A Delmaean Vanquisher Patrol had fired upon suspicious
gatherers. The men turned out to be Cyklone civilians, who had mistakenly
strayed into a ‘no-entrance zone’. Ten of the nineteen spotted perished
immediately, eight more died of their injuries, and one escaped deeper into the
valley. Three days later, a communiqué was received by the office of Xerxes. It
denounced the government of the BIE, and effectively declared war on the nation.
Two days later, an emergency council was called for from the Acumen.
Pidominitae Omnelius Constantium watched the
landscape roll by outside his window. The caravan snaked through the canyon
floor, under the wary eye of three ground transports. Pidominitae rode on the
main mobile platform, a 600 foot long train that moved along its rails at
seventy miles per hour. The three transports were also rail-mounted, smaller,
armed versions of the Mongoose the Cealot, under-Cealots, and their spouses rode
on. Each guard platform housed two armored machine gun turrets, with a larger
anti-personnel battery placed in the middle. Pidominitae questioned their
purpose. Here they were, deep in Imperial Territory, and the powers that be
still didn’t believe in a safe journey. He sighed with resignation. The country
looked to be on a path for the war of the ages, and here were government
resources, protecting the lower bureaucrats from Vyetrin, Pidominitae’s city. He
turned his head from the blur of thick vegetation flashing by, and fixed his
eyes on his immediate superior. Cruciem Callais, Cealot of Vyetrin, glanced up
from his copy of the edict issued by the Emperor.
“Seen enough of our glorious countryside,
son?” His voice dripped with sarcasm, and he flicked his eyes back down to his
paper. Pidominitae nursed an intense dislike for Callais, stemming from his
first days working under the Cealot. Cold, demeaning, and offensive, Callais was
nasty to all those under him. It was said even the Emperor disliked his company.
“Enough for now, sir. Give it a couple years
at the rate this conflict is escalating and this whole area is going to look
like hell. The generals I hear from say that if an attack comes, it’ll come
through this network of canyons, trying to cut our supply caravans and political
institutions in half” Pidominitae replied.
“What do they know? Fat men who sit behind
our men and women in uniform have no right to spew their theories on whims.
Don’t concern yourself with it. You just keep fetching papers and drinks and I’m
sure you’ll make a fine executive secretary someday.” Callais smiled at his
barbed insult; partly because he, and he alone, found it amusing, and partly
because he knew no retribution would follow. Constantium kept his eyes on
Callais a moment longer, then returned his gaze to the slowly thinning
countryside. As they neared the outskirts of San Tentra, the trees gave way to
enormous mansions. With marble as white as the clouds on a sunny day, they
dotted the landscape, showcasing the wealth and power of these citizens. Nowhere
in San Tentra were there depressed districts, but none could equal the sheer
enormity and gravity these commanded. A knock at the door interrupted
Pidominitae’s reverie. His friend and fellow under-Cealot, Mardul Manstro, poked
his head in.
“Seshay would like a word with you, Dom.”
“With your permission, sir.” Pidominitae
glanced at Callais, who did not look up from his new entertainment, a Zovubay
mathematical puzzle. Dom took this as consent and departed quietly. Mardul shut
the door behind him and grabbed his arm. Pulling him quickly, he lead him toward
the family rooms on the train.
“I thought Seshay was sleeping, Mardy.
There’s no way she’s conscious after last night. I don’t think she ever went to
bed. She kept packing all night. I found her half-awake, stretched over her
“She didn’t tell me to get you. I need to
talk to you. We’re using her parlor. Come on.” Mardy ran a card through the
security scanner and the door clicked open. They both ducked inside and it swung
shut behind them. The red velvet benches sat facing each other near the window.
They both took a seat.
“I’m worried, Dom. Something’s not at all
right with this situation. Think back a couple years. You remember when we both
were interns? Twenty-four Imperial citizens dead by Domain firepower. Accident?
Fine, I’ll give a free pass on that one. Four months later, forty eight dead by
our Sharpshooter Division. They called it ‘Suspicious Activity’ near our border.
Both governments brushed it off as an unfortunate training exercise gone wrong.
But now? I say this out of fear: what have we done? Let our children and our
gods forgive us for all of eternity."

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