Writer's Voice
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Car Rides
Daniel R. Menage

Chapter 1: The Drive
I pulled into the
merge lane to get onto highway 180. Once in the lane I pushed the accelerator
of my 1980 Trans-am to the floor and felt my car rocket forward. I pushed the
clutch in and let off the gas and shoved the car into a hard second. And felt
the car rocket again, then third. In the middle of third I pulled onto the dark
highway. I slammed the car into fourth gear and placed both my hands on the
steering wheel. I glanced at my speedometer. My speed was exceeding that on
the speedometer.
My headlights
illuminated only a limited distance ahead of my speeding car. The trees on the
other side of the ditch made the road look unimaginable small. I flicked on my
driving lights. Immediately they gave me an extra hundred feet ahead of my
car. Still that seemed like only a few seconds of reaction time. The stars
were out and the moon cast a faint light on the road beyond my headlights. I
don’t know where I was going, or why I was going there. I just had a need to
drive. I reached for the radio. I felt the knob in my fingertips. I began to
turn it. I didn’t want it blaring loud but some background noise would be nice.
The engine of my
Trans-Am was an eight-cylinder Chevy 350 LT1. And the dead highway was eerily
quiet. The radio clicked on, just static. I tuned it left, nothing. Then back
to the right, dead. “Shit,” I said out loud before I could stop myself. I took
my hand off the radio and placed it firmly back onto the gearshift. I was
trying to keep my head. I don’t know why but I was on the verge of losing my
mind. What was causing the sudden mental meltdown I was unsure of.
But still there
was a need to unwind, a need to let loose, to do something to keep myself sane.
In the past that thing had been driving. But tonight a simple drive in the
country had turned into a test of will power. I never smoked cigarettes before
in my life but now I felt like starting. I glanced right, the brush and
everything was heavily blurred by my speed. I glanced left, there was a bunch
of high school kids setting small bushes on fire. I watched the flames burn.
Watched them crushing half-full beer cans only to remove another from a cooler.
Watching those
late teens having fun made me feel so alone, so distant from the rest of
humanity. I felt as though I needed someone. Just about anyone would do,
anyone who would love me. I needed someone to sit in the passenger seat on
rides like this. Maybe I needed someone so I didn’t do things like this. I
knew that I would be gone long into the morning, that I might comeback sometime
tomorrow. And then things would go back to normal for several weeks. But into
two or three weeks I would do this again. I would return for another rampage.
In the two years I lived in Golden I had driven almost every road in BC. But I
had driven them all alone.
After several
hours on the desolate road a green road sign flashed by. I only caught one name
on it. “Victoria.” “Well, I guess I’m going to Victoria,” I said to my self.
I laughed after thinking about the thought that I was talking to myself. I knew
Kelowna would be coming up in a few hours; I was gonna stop there and have some
coffee. Till then all I had to do was drive.
Normally if I had
planned to go there I would go in through the Roger's Pass. But tonight was
different, I had never traveled this road. It was new to me. I lived in
Kelowna for several years as a travel agent for the surrounding area. Well I
was more like the guy who takes the pictures for the brochures. No matter I
traveled every road out of that god forsaken place. But I had never come across
this one. But I knew the only way I could get from Golden to Victoria was to go
through Kelowna. Unless you drive several hours to the north then get onto a
back road for two more hours and then merge onto the Trans Canada highway. And
I knew that I hadn’t gone that route.
I saw a speed
limit sign coming up. I focused my eyes on it. The sign read 40. And that
didn’t make sense to me. Most of the highway speeds even in the mountains
didn’t go under 50. And that was even through the Roger's pass, which is where
most accidents happen. And this was a fairly straight road. I mean it’s the
mountains you can’t have a perfectly straight road in the mountains. But
I saw a person up
ahead. They were walking with their thumb stuck up. I put my car into third
and gently applied the brake. Then pushed the clutch and into second. Then I
pulled up beside the hitchhiker. I stopped just ahead of her. I opened my car
door. And got out of the car. I stood beside my Trans-am with my arm on the
roof. “Need a ride?” I shouted to her.
She began to
run. She came up to my car. She was carrying a duffel bag. “Are you serious,
you gonna give me a ride?” she said. She sounded old, but her face looked
youthful in the moonlight.
“Sure am, and as
far as you're going,” I studied her. She looked like a college student. “I’m
on my way to Victoria and that’s pretty much as far as you can go.”
“Well I’m heading
to Vancouver so we can travel together,” she held her hand across the roof of my
black car, “I’m Victoria.”
Utterly taken by
the sheer oddity that just unfolded in front of my eyes I forgot to receive the
handshake and just stood there. After what seemed like a few seconds I held my
hand out across the roof to receive the gesture.
“Well, Victoria,
do you want me to put your bag in the trunk?” I said. I was still a little
shaken by what was happening to me tonight.
“Sure,” she was
so pleasant, and the way she dressed. It was like she was from a different
time. Like the past. She was wearing stone washed bell-bottom jeans and a
tie-dye long shirt with small round glasses and her hair was long and straight.
She was a strawberry blond. I walked to the back of the car and pressed the
latch release for the trunk. She lifted her heavy bag and set it gently in the
trunk. The shocks on my car absorbed the weight.
I slammed the
trunk closed. I noticed something different on the trunk. The top always had
this huge rust spot on it. Right in the center. I never missed it. It was
gone now. As a matter of a fact my car was no longer a dull black; it shone in
the dull light. It surprised me. The car looked new. I did a double take.
Looking at the trunk then across the roof. I was beginning to be scared.
“Well we should
be going,” I said taking one last look at the rear of my ‘new’ car. I was sure
that my car was newer, I wasn’t sure how though. I began to walk towards the
front of my car, to the open door. As I did I ran my hand up the smooth lines
of my car. Minor changes had been made to the car. Just little things like,
the small back windows were tinted, and the driver’s side had a black strip on
the bottom and rear side of it. And I was sure that the antenna was on the
other side before.
I reached into my
pocket. The keys were there. I don’t know why I reached into my pocket. I
left the car running. But If I had left my car running why were the keys in my
pocket? I was on the verge of a total meltdown. I wanted to know what was
going on. I got in and closed the door. It closed with a soft click noise.
Which was a positive change from the loud bang I was used to. I looked out
across the hood; there was a white decal of a huge Phoenix with spread wings
across it. That was definitely different. The interior was leather, instead of
the cheap seat covers I was used to; another bonus.
I stuck the keys
into the ignition. I was used to having to ride on the gas to start my car.
Normally I would give it several turns over then tap the gas and it would
start. But this car was different there too. It was as if this wasn’t my car
anymore. Had this girl changed everything? Had it been her that made me go out
for a drive tonight? Or was this a dream?
My mind was
racing to make sense of this new reality. The car sat there idling. That was
something that was different as well. My old car had a high idle. This new one
was a very low one, so low I could almost count the rotations. A very Thump,
thump, thump, type idle, sounded like a blower had been attached. The
speedometer was different as well. It was in MPH. That was not as weird as the
other changes. I went to push the clutch in, and found no pedal. It was an
“Well,” Victoria
said, “We going to get out of here or should I walk?”
“No, no we’re
under way. I’m just praying for a safe journey.” An excuse for the not so
simple reality of things. I pushed the gas. The engine roared to life. The
engine's low thump of an idle picked up and the car vibrated; I was sure this
wasn’t my car. I looked in my side mirror as I pulled off the shoulder. I
looked younger. My eyes were brighter, my hair shorter. My skin was tight and
new. I had a scruffy beard. “Stop focusing on yourself,” I though to myself,
but I didn’t dare say something like that out loud.
About half an
hour passed before we said anything to each other. But the first words that
came out of her mouth frightened me. She said, “Did anything strange happen to
you tonight?”
“Why do you ask?”
I said. I had found the cruise control that had been installed in this car.
“Because,” she
sounded nervous, “when you pulled up I got a glimpse of you and you looked older
than you do now. And so for a matter of a fact did your car.”
“You noticed that
little incident too?” I asked. I was beginning to think that this was a dream.
“Yea - I think my
clothes changed too, in fact I’m pretty sure they have.”
“I wonder why
those things happened, or how.”
“I was a collage
student,” she sounded proud of that fact.
“I was a digital
camera salesman.” I had a feeling that job didn’t exist now though.
“Boring, I take
That’s why I left Golden tonight.”
“You lived in
Golden? I don’t know why I left college. I just had this feeling that I
needed to get away from everyone else and get into a stranger's car.” I thought
she was coming on to me. She spun in the seat so she was lying on her side. I
glanced at her. She quickly moved into a normal position. “I don’t know what
came over me. I’m normally very conservative and would never do anything like
“I don’t know
what’s going on, but I want some answers,” I was getting that smoking feeling.
“Yea me too,” she
demanded. She sounded very determined. I didn’t know where the next town was
but I was sure as hell stopping there.
It took a while
before a sign came up. It read “Kelowna – 15 Miles.”
“Miles? I thought
we were on the metric system,” I pointed out. Even though I was pretty sure
that I didn’t need to.
“Yea, we were on
the metric system, and my clothes. I want my old ones back,” she sounded like a
little kid, whining for what she wants.
“You look like a
hippie,” I started to laugh.
“I don’t, you're
mean.” But then she started to laugh too. “Peace, love, no more hate,” she said
in a dreamy, sarcastic tone.
“Wait, I got
one.” I began to take deep breaths to calm down a bit, “Dude, come in sit down
and sum it up with me. Forget your troubles, let the smoke carry them away.” I
used that same dreamy sarcastic tone to spiel off a couple of sentences. We
started to laugh again. “We're low on gas, we should fill up in the next town.”
“And I’m hungry,
can we get something to eat as well?”
“Sure, it’s
probably about eight o’clock in the morning. I’m sure something will be open.”
“We have to both
remember not to do or say anything that shouldn’t be said.”
“Like what?” I
didn’t know why I couldn’t talk normally.
“Because, if this
is the past, you can’t say that you sell digital cameras. They haven’t been
invented yet.”
I saw the city
limits sign ahead. In bold black lettering read, ‘Welcome to beautiful Kelowna
city.” The town looked just as it had in the late seventies. There were
orchards everywhere and small time ‘malt shops’ as they were called in those
days. People roamed the streets dressed in what I could only assume was the
latest fashion craze. This was the miniskirt era. Which meant the year was
around 1970 to 1978.
I saw a gas
station with a flickering neon sigh hanging in the window. I pulled the black
car into the service lot. Immediately a short pudgy kid came running out of the
small shack where you bought chocolate bars and chips.
The kid had a
height of around 5’5” and probably near 160 pounds. With short curly red hair,
and a large sum of freckles that covered his face. I rolled down the window and
the kid bent down so he was at eye level with me.
“How may I help
you, sir?” the fat kid said politely.
“Filler up,” I
said in a casual tone.
“Filler up?”
Victoria said.
“I’m from here
around this time period. I know how to talk.” I said defensively. I wanted to
look under the hood of ‘this’ car so badly. I pulled the hood release. The
hood popped up slightly at the back. I opened the driver's door. I left the
door open and walked to the front of the car. I was right up against the
outside of the driver's door. And then the moment of truth came.
Chapter 2
I lifted the
hood. It weighed a lot, I remember that, more than my old one. I looked the
engine over. One of the first things I saw was that this car had a huge ram air
blower mounted on the motor. The engine itself was a big block Chevy eight
cylinder. I looked the car over. It had changed distinctly since last night.
It was no longer a Trans-Am, it was around a 1975 Pontiac Firebird. And it was
a dark red not black. I closed the hood. And got back into the car. I sat
there for a few moments, then I said without warning I said, “This isn’t my car
“What do you
mean?” Victoria asked.
“I mean, my car
was a black 1970 Trans-Am, with a stock motor. This is a deep red 1975 Pontiac
Firebird, with a blower. This isn’t my car.”
“That’s weird.
We should find a motel and work this out. Work out a story as to why we are
acting strange. As to where we're from and what we do.”
“I’ll go for
that. I think there’s one up the street. We can stay there.”
“That’ll be four
fifty sir,” The pudgy kid said from beside my door.
“Oh okay, hold on
a sec.” I reached into my back pocket. There was a wallet in the left pocket.
I pulled it out and opened it. Inside were tons of bills. I pulled out a ten
and handed it to the kid.
“I’ll be back
with your change sir.” The kid took off like a bolt of lightning. He moved
with graceful steps as he crossed the service area. And opened the door into
his shack. I kept my wallet open and waited for the change. Within moments the
kid came out again with five dollars and fifty cents. He handed the bill to me
and then piled the change inside it. Most of it was in dimes. I slipped the
change into my pocket. Then I took all the money out of my wallet. I counted
it. I put the five-dollar bill on my lap. Then a twenty, another twenty, a
fifty, another fifty, two hundreds, another twenty and another fifty, three
tens, a fourth twenty, another fifty and one more twenty.
“I have five
hundred and twenty-five dollars,” I announced to my partner.
“I have my wallet
in my duffel bag,” she said, “we can count whatever I have at the motel.”
“Okay, I need a
shit, shower and shave anyway.” I closed the driver’s door. I looked at my
self in the mirror. I had long hair, an earring in one ear. I started the
car. The engine roared to life and took us out of the gas station. I put my
left hand on the steering wheel - there situated on my ring finger was a ring.
It was just a simple gold band.
“I’m married,” I
said - well, I muttered it.
“What?” she said;
she obviously heard me.
“I have a wedding
ring on my finger.”
“Let’s see,” she
said as she held out her hand, her left hand. I saw there the same ring on her
“Correction,” I
said as I held my hand out to her, “We’re married.” Victoria gasped. “We’re
married. But you're like twenty five and I was nearly twenty.”
“I may be close
to twenty five, and you may have been close to twenty,” I was almost laughing,
in all this she thought she hadn’t changed, “but I was close to forty five
before last night, so I would say you are about twenty two or three right now.”
“So let’s see -
we're two married, firebird driving hippies. This has turned out to be the most
interesting road trip ever.”
“Could be worse.”
“How so?”
“We could be
older, fatter. You look great, and those...” Wait; what was I doing? I barely
knew this girl. “Never mind.”
“Those what, why
did you stop?”
“Because, I don’t
know you that well.”
“Yes you do,
we’ve been married for two years, now,” she paused for a second with her mouth
open. “Now I’m scared; I don’t know how I know that. I don’t know what took
over me.” She looked ashamed. “You're as new to me as I am to you. I
shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Let’s go find a
motel, we can talk this over. Make a contingency plan,” I never had used that
word in my life.
plan?” I wasn’t the only one who thought that was a little odd. I signaled
left. And when I came to the parking lot of the Rowers motel I turned in. The
parking lot was low-grade gravel. I pulled up in front of the main suite. I
grabbed my keys. I gave the firebird a few more high revs then shut it off.
“Ready,” I said
looking at my ‘new’ wife.
The main suite
was set like an office. Instead of a bed there was a large desk, with a solid
wood chair behind it. I knocked on the screen door. An extremely obese man
looked squarely at me from behind his large, expensive looking, thirty dollar
“Excuse me, sir.
We would like to rent a room,” Victoria said from next to me. She sounded
sheltered and innocent, with an undertone that implied exactly the opposite.
“Rooms are twenty
dollars a night, movies are three dollars, and no cable,” the large man barked.
“No problem, do
we pay now, or later,” Victoria said.
“If you pay now,
you can check out whenever you like,” the fat man said.
“Twenty dollars,
a night.” I said, sifting through my wallet, “Ah here we go.” I pulled out a
fresh crisp green twenty and waved it triumphantly in the air. The man reached
up onto a cork billboard with twenty tags on it and randomly selected one tag
with two keys hanging on it. He got up and moved unsteadily toward the door.
He cracked the door inward, and took the twenty from my hand and replaced it
with the keys.
“Room 22, at the
end,” the large man said, closing the screen door. “Damn kids,” he mumbled as
he hobbled to his desk.

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