Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website


A fish gave me a kiss last night,
As I swam down at the shore.
Moonlight glittered on the waves,
As I dove down for some more.
There she swam, all slimy and scaly,
Twitching fins to and fro.
She paused to blow a bubble-kiss my way,
It was true love, wouldn't you know.
Her lines were sleek and graceful,
Thin-waisted and full lips.
Her shiny eyes looked deep in mine,
My eyes were on her hips.
My heart raced on, speeding into the night,
And I swam with her all around.
We raced and frolicked, playfully flirting,
Until my feet rested on solid ground.
But I cried upon the shore that night,
I knew I could not have her.
What would friends think of my love?
It would truly cause quite a stir.
And so I bid her a fond adieu,
Teary-eyed upon the shore.
My scaly girl I kissed good-bye,
And then I saw her no more.

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