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The Irreparable Loss
Dr Riaz Ahmad Raja

I had strode a million steps with my feet bare,
On the perilous terrains amid looming despair,
Trails though strewed with thorns all the way,
Shakily I kept headlong with my mind astray!
At crossroads I’d mulled over in bewilderment,
Mind foggy albeit my passions were vehement,
Vanquished bloom ah all over still and strange!
Birds twittered not, everything set for a change.
Streams hushed and the air was thin and silent,
The sky was silent but within thunders violent,
Congregations swapped for void ah I was there,
Familiarity was everywhere but I wasn’t aware.
Boom and rumble and fears to engulf me soon,
Sombre sky spanned dark; eclipsed was moon!
In murk and ghastly quiet I crept along and on,
In the endless dark and with no break of dawn!
Stalks drooping, colours fading, petals withering,
I dared on and on though darkness was gathering
All darkness, shade and murk in its dismal night,
A lone soul but I figured in that deplorable sight!
Trees were the frightening shadows as they stood,
Denuded of luxuriant foliage so far as they could,
With their dripping tips and mislaid drops of dew
Swathed in tears mine exalting them dazzle anew!
A few strides away but my feet had gone leaden,
My beloved’s faint voice within; shall it deaden?
O dear Lord what? Deadly calm pervades around,
Nay a leaf stirs; there’s neither a whiff nor sound.
I had floundered and stumbled to the familiar door,
And laid my quavering hand and rapped as before,
Bracing all my heart and soul once and then twice,
That face appeared not, away my affections entice.
I had heard a screech and the known door stood ajar,
A somnolent countenance appeared my nerves to jar,
No more a hand was there I was accustomed to clasp,
A deep gash, a piercing pain and the penetrating rasp!
By Dr Riaz Ahmad Raja,
August 12, 2005

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