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Katrina Hurricane
Ehsan Elahi Ehsan

It is the Katrina hurricane or the tsunami storm
Death devours life all around,
Making no distinction between the white and the black
Between the men and the women
Between the husband and the wife,
Between the father and the son,
Between the mother and the child,
Between the old and the young,
Between the criminals and the innocent,
Between the human and the animal.
It seems the forces of nature become angry
Sometimes, rather agitated,
Why man is daring to explore
What lies hidden in them.
There is a conflict going on between Man
And Nature. Nature when dociled,
Serves Man miraculously
But tries to defeat man,
When ever it finds opportunity.
This conflict will go on forever and forever.
But we have to think what happened to those,
Human beings who are caught in the clutches of fate.
We have to feel of the hopes, aspirations, wishes
And desires of those who have been swallowed
By death all of a sudden. We have to see how
The symbols of generations are dissected
And thrown away into the pitch darkness,
From where no news comes.
We have to think of the survivors who have
Been left without any identity.
We who are away from the calamities
Cannot stay in rest. We feel ourselves,
As if we were the one to mourn on the dead
And to weep for the survivors.
Although we are unable to return their nears and dears
Yet we can share their grief
And make them feel that they are not alone
That they have with them millions of human beings
Who are equally aggrieved, and who
Want to console them by every means.
They can console them by offering their homes,
Their finance, their love and every source they have
To lessen their grief if not be able to provide happiness.
Yet there might be some who remain indifferent
In such a situation , they are certainly not human.
I am a poet, my whole wealth is my words,
Words dipped in deep emotions,
Words which are full of tears,
Words which can feel the agony of those,
Who have been directly affected, dead or the living.
Words that will give the message,
O, Man, you are the crown of all creatures,
Your are the explorer of the mysteries,
Your have to take heart,
You have to be steadfast
You have to go on walking for the coming generations,
But this is only possible, when you share
The miseries of those who have been directly hit,
By the severe blows of nature,
And you can share these miseries
Only when you help the victims
By every sacrifice and every means, you can.
Long live the Man! Long live the Mighty Heart!

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