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Love, Beauty and Truth
Ehsan Elahi Ehsan

You tell me, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty"
That is good. Yet I think the other way,
And dare ask you once,
Have you ever tasted of love?
And yet you say to me,
So what of that? Alas! You could know,
Where from Truth generates and Beauty born.
It is Love, the pure Love, that gives you
Truth of life and also of death. It tells you how,
The human heart, visions heaven’s beautiful
And shining face. Moments that would
Never lost, raptures that will bring for you
Thoughtful fancies, flowery dreams,
And the unforgettable beautiful scenes,
Which are seen by inward eye,
Where Beauty and its sister Truth,
Sit under the shady tree of Love and chat,
Like children in their mother’s lap.

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