The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Obscure Sojourn


Ehsan Elahi Ehsan

Full many a time I go on a sojourn

To a world which is not this worldly world

Where men are not so deceitful, so selfish

Where life is not loaded with so much artificiality

Where joys are pure, sorrows undiluted

I wish to enter into that world

But alas! The inhabitants would not allow me

They bow before me and entreat

That I may go back where from I came

As if there world is not worth for my living

As if they are too simple to adopt

That life that I had decked

After the hard work of many centuries

With the art of how to deceive my fellow beings

Being helpless and perhaps seeming kind

I come back to my own world

And am lost into darkness again

Wishing that I could never return

From that obscure world

Where people did not like to be

As wise as people of my own world

With identities not their own.

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