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Private Talks
Ehsan Elahi Ehsan

We are going to sit in a lonely corner to hide ourselves
And to shed those tears which are sitting in our eyes
Our heart has been teasing us like an uncompromising child
We are going to arrange for its entertainment with our agonies
Let us see what happens to our open and begging lap
We are going to make our annoyed friend to forgive our mistakes
Our cloak is worn away yet we have the rare Gems inside it
We have heard that an expert jeweler has come from a distance
And we are going to show these Gems to him to evaluate them
Oh Gracious God we are ashamed to appear before You
As we are the old sinners, yet we must bow before You for mercy
We who live in foreign, what to speak of our life or death
It is only to pick up some grains like sparrows that we are there
The inheritors of our heritage are lost into a hare’s sleep
And we are blocking that earth which is being flowed in water
He has come back a tedious journey of the mountains of Koh Kaaf
So we are going to recite the Heer before Mian Mohammed Buksh
What these worldly people have to pay us for our tears
We are going to that person who has an eye to judge the pearls
It does not look like that we can pass an isolated kind of life
We are going to get her written in the lines of our hands
The messenger crow comes and sits on the edge of our roof
We intend to go to his land today to tell him of our sorrows
It is better to weigh and test ourselves of the heavy duties
Before we take the burden heavier than the time itself
O the people of the world, enjoy the deep and sweet dreams
We are also going to decorates the palace of her sweet memories
A team of Pinwal is alluring our bosom friend to its charms
We are also going to sing songs of love on his marriage
O the people come and see the dowry of our dear land
We are going from door to door to show its heritage
The hectic busy activities do not allow us to think of her
So in a corner we are making some prints of her in our mind
There is a shrine of Peer Mukam to the other side of Tatral
We are going to that saint to offer the sheet of roses on his shrine
The saint Baba of Nekey Wala has also sent us a new message
We are going to taste his food of love on coming Friday
Pain and misery, both have passed a good brotherly life
We are strengthening their mutual brotherly relations further
God knows what has happened to our land and why it is groaning
We are trying to search and find out reason for its constant unrest
Our people were very patient, contented and thankful to God
What devils have caught hold of them; we are going to dig out
The religious teacher has thrown away his religious obligations
And we have to teach morality to our children
We are very simple, upright and straight forward people
Yet we have to change the fate of the clever to win the lost game
We may perhaps be able to keep up our old traditions, so
We have taken the earthen toys for children going to streets
The bomb blasts have blackened all the beauties of our land
We are going to plant for another time the plants of love
What beautiful roses are there on this land of Shah Murad
We are arranging a sojourn of this garden for the people
Our hopes have changed our hearts into the beauty of Kala Kahar
We are going to hold a fare taking these fragrances into our eyes
Our land owes the dervishes like Bagh Hussain Kamal
We are going to satisfy our inner eye by making a visit to him
There is a beautiful name of Majid Siddiqi in Punjabi poetry
We are taking him to cross the river Chenab with Sohni
The famous poet who is known by the name of Abed Jaafery
Let us go to him and find out some gems of verses in his cloak
This is also the land of Kabul Jaafry, the well known writer
We are going to have a sun bath under his “Sooraj”
Every where there is a loud noise of Baqar Saeen’s Chuni
We are going to cover the head of the daughter to Dhan under it
Here the well known singers like Ynus,Ahmed, Gulshan, Rajab
And Hassan live, we are playing the musical instruments for them
Our people are in a plight and our land full of pain and misery
We are trying to share their sorrows as far as we can do
If any body asks about us where we have gone at the moment
Tell them Ehsan that we have gone to the shrine of Shah Saiden
To make an ecstatic dance there to forget our sorrows. 
Koh Kaaf- the mountain chains that have been mention in “Saiful
Malum, a
famous epic in Punjabi. Heer – an epic of Punjabi by Waris Shah , Mian
Mohammed Buksh – a famous epic writer in Punjabi, the author of “Saful
Maluk”. Pinwal – a village two miles east of Chakwal city, Peer Mukam –
the shrine of a saint south of Tatral, Tatral – the name of my(ehsan’s)
village one kilo meter south of Chakwal city, Nekey Wala – the shrine of a
saint to the south of Tatral, Shah Murad – a saint ten kilo meters east of
Chakwal, Kala Kahar – a very beautiful natural valley 50 kilo meters south
east of Chakwal, Bagh Hussain Kamal – a dervish of recent times, Majid
– a famous Punjabi Poet,Chenab - a river in Punja to which a romatic
legend is
attributed, Abed Jaafery,- a famous Punjabi poet, Kabul Jaafry – a famous
Punjabi poet, Sooraj – a Punjabi poem by Kabul Jaafry, Baqar- a famous
Punjabi poet, Chuni- the name of Baqar’s Punjabi Poem, Dhan – the area
I live, Ynus, Ahmed, Gulshan, Rajab And Hassan – all five are the famous
singers. Shah Saiden –a famous saint 30 kilo meters south-east of Chakwal
(Punjab, Pakistan) |

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