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The Recovery
Ehsan Elahi Ehsan

When I grew up in the bodily form of a child
There ware strange scenes of happiness and love
There was an ecstatic delight
In the lips of my mother
Whenever I looked into her eyes
It seemed as if they were bearing
all kinds of colours in them
When I rounded my arms
Round the legs of my father
When he came back home from day’s work
In the gray and peaceful evenings
My father felt as if he had got all the world
And in such a happiness
he had no worry of life
at least in those moments of delight
He felt all his fatigue of the day consumed
He felt as if he understood
all the zigzags of life
It was I who absorbed all the bitter realties
into my innocent smiles
I made him to feel that the life
was not so serious it is was thought to be
But as I grew older, the golden rays
were changed into the silver threads
I felt myself divided day by day
And at last I became forgetful
of all that light which I had been feeling within me
the threads of my relationship were badly entangled
with the thorns of life,
I felt my self cut off from that light
which I had brought into this world.
I was in a lurch and began to search
for some body who could help me restore
my original happiness.
I felt as if I was not one but a jumble of many small pieces
scattering into different directions.
I was going on this way, quite aimlessly
At last a place came, a message of love reached me, a symbol of
devotion made me feel of its presence.
My gloomy eyes called back every kind of happiness.
The winds seemed to blow away all that dust
which had gathered on my face.
I began to move on the way of life.
If I was forced to stay on the way for some realities
I shook them away and the message of coming miseries
I changed into my optimistic wish.
Now I began to feel that I was not alone
on the way of life, no more lonely
My breath, my dreams, my imagination,
the rising waves of my thoughts
the beauties of my passionate pursuits
all were giving me the message
that the journey of my loneliness
was now over because of some body
and the clouds of grief
which were present in my eyes were going to scatter
When I felt the freshness of these moments
the awareness of my inner self
I felt a kind of calmness and the thought
that I had the courage to live
And I could change
the bitters realities of life into beautiful dreams.
I was lost into such thoughts
When my love spoke to me one day
with a strange tone and asked
if that was the only aim of life
If that was the reason
That man had been created on earth.
My love was looking with strange eyes to me
while expressing these thoughts.
When my love was speaking so to me,
I felt my self gathering
the little pieces that were scattered every where
I began to feel the same light within me
that I had brought hither.
The golden rays within me
were restored and they were telling me
what was the aim of my creation.
I felt the threads of my life connected
with the rope of my Creator.

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