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What Generates Terrorism
Ehsan Elahi Ehsan

Disliking is the first negative step which leads human
society towards regression if not reconciled at the earliest. Disliking cannot
be avoided. It is innate in human beings and on a larger scales, in groups and
nations. This is a negative attitude which is curable at an early stage through
dialogue and mutual understanding. Disliking encompasses many things within it.
It can be the disliking of a pattern of life as whole, of religion, of social
structure, of ideology, of political and economical systems and so on. This is
the first stage when the possibilities of clashes are visible. This is the
germinating seed to make two groups poisonous against each other. Suppressed
disliking is more harmful than the expressed one. It is, therefore, important
for the reasonable people to check it, pacify it and remove it by patience and
reasonable dialogues. The basis for this dialogue is provided by the principle
of ‘live and let others live’.
If disliking is not checked, converted, pacified or removed,
this shifts itself into interference and that is usually done by the stronger
and more powerful. The opposite side, who is weaker and unable to resist, goes
in the back ground and begins to prevent this interference through untraditional
methods. Guerrilla wars and cold wars come into this category. This negative
attitude which takes the shape of negative action can still be checked through
the dialogue and suspension rather dismissal of interference by the interfering.
If that is not checked , it begins germs of intolerance within it. The stronger
one become proud of its physical power and begins to threaten the other side of
its use. The weaker one begins to be the most cautious and avoids the possible
physical clash because it knows that in physical clash it is bound to lose.
The local governments, however, become aware of the possible
coming danger, and begin to stop their suspected individuals, or groups by
making some arrests and putting them behind the bar. As a reaction, the groups
begin to react against their own governments labeling them as the agents of the
stronger party. In this reaction they use every possible method to force their
governments to accede to their desires or face the consequences. For this
purpose they exploit religion, give their own brand to the religion, criticize
the government’s foreign economical and political policies and create
misunderstanding among the general public. They use different kinds of slogans
which create the impressions that their government are the foreign agents, that
there is a recorded price hike and the government is insincere and indifferent
to the national problems. Most of all, they propagate that the govt. is unable
to maintain peace and order in the country. To provide a proof of this, they
attack the religious centers. They kill the worshippers and the innocent and
they blame the opposite religious sections.
This is the stage when intolerance changes itself to
prejudice when each party says that it is right and the other is wrong. The
first party begins to persist on it and the second begins to resist with full
determination. Those people who advocate the midway or moderation are made
targets. The worst example of this victimization is the Pakistan’s President
Musharraf himself. In such a condition, the local governments are put to a
dilemma. There is the external pressure to control the disrupting elements and
there is the internal pressure on the government from public to maintain peace
and order.
When the element of prejudice begins to dominate, every thing
on the opposite side is criticized and the principle of "live and let others
live" is damaged badly. It is changed into "we are right and the others are
wrong" The tension which already exists between the parties changes itself into
hatred. The situation deteriorates when the slogan of righteousness is changed
into self- righteousness. Now it reaches the point of ‘we are right, and only we
are right." The basis of ‘live and let others live is demolished and a new
foundation for the destruction of human society is laid on "Live and do not
allow others to live." This is the stage which opens ways to violence. The
stronger one uses the violence overtly and the weaker one covertly.
This is also the stage when the external support by both the
parties is sought. The stronger one convinces other governments and nations to
join in the holy war, and the weaker one increases its membership from the
innocent public. Both of the parties begin to act as extremists. Now the blind
use of force and weapons from both sides is made and both of them claim to be
fighting for a noble cause. The most tragic aspect of all this bloody drama is
that on both sides the victims are the innocent, the old, the women, the
children at par. The fields of activities are expanded and in one way or the
other, the whole world, howsoever peaceful it may be is involved. The attacks
are made by one in the form of padded bombing, and in demolishing the world
trading towers by the other. The men of reason are cornered by both the sides
and they are forced to shed their tears for the dying humanity. Men of reason
bewail the condition of the crown of all creatures and resort to God Almighty
for help. Now both the parties invent new labels for each of them. One is called
the aggressor and the other the terrorist. Both of them feast themselves on
human flesh and blood and that even of the innocent.
The only way to find a solution out of this chaotic situation
is to reverse the situation as "terrorism – extremism – hatred – prejudice –
intolerance – interference – disliking" till it reaches the point "live and let
others live" through global reasoning. There can be no capable machinery to do
this all except the U.N.O. but only in that case when it works as an independent
judge and not merely as a maid- servant.

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