The Writer's Voice

The World's Favourite Literary Website

The Birth of Enigma
An excerpt from The Scroll of Ages


Eric Michael Hines

Enigma is a mystery.
An occurrence of unseen face.
Or spirits bearing radiant glow,
that roam at frightening pace.

Enigma is the firmament.
How the seas echo the skies.
Or how evil begins its downward fall,
within the first of lies...

The birth of Enigma,
is the beginning of a tale.
Not noble minds, nor souls abright,
these mysteries they can unveil...

The uplifting light,
an inspiring score.
The waves fleeing from the sea.
The sky-raking mountains infinite,
are not as wondrous as he will be...

"~Endra Cialta Vagolean~"

"-True power lies within.-"

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