The Writer's Voice

The World's Favourite Literary Website

The War of Virgimoore
An Excerpt from The Scroll of Ages


Eric Michael Hines

The Traveler feared not the night,
nor the perils that lay within it.
The light was lost, as all would be,
if the Traveler didn't begin it.

The journey to save the one of ones...
The winds of his mind cleared danger from
the path of his feet. 
Which beat upon the sand of the weary shore.
The pain he came to deplore.
The traveled traveler's years shown even more...

The hand of power alive,
touched the flesh of a child.
This child was light.
He was destined to triumph over the night...

But he fell into evil.

He was cast into despair.

The sacred child grew into a young man..
The other half rescued him from the fire..
And the epic battle began... 
The army of light against the legion of fire.
Two halves facing the one with the evil desire....

"~Endra Cialta Vagolean~"

"-True power lies within.-"

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