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Order in the Court: I'll Take Two Eggs Over Easy and Pass
the Biscuits
Gregory J. Rummo

AUGUST 8 2002
By now you've probably heard the story about the 56-year-old fatso from New York
who is suing four fast food chains for — guess what? — Contributing to his
obesity along with an assortment of other health-related problems.
Caesar Barber (not to be confused with the
Caesar of “Little Caesar’s” — the fast food pizza restaurant) claims through his
attorney that fast food has created an “addiction.”
"There is a direct deception when someone
omits telling people food digested is detrimental to their health," he
Named in the lawsuit are four popular fast
food chains; Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald’s and Wendy’s.
And I thought the clown’s name was Ronald.
Why such a case isn’t immediately thrown
out and the plaintiff slapped with a frivolous suit for wasting the court’s time
and resources strains credulity.
Caesar, I’m sorry to be the one to break
the news to you, but fast food ain’t the problem.
Gluttony is the problem.
In almost all cases, fat people eat too
much — way too much. And they eat the wrong types of foods. And they are couch
potatoes. Exercise is an anathema to them.
The human body is like a bank account. It’s
simple math—if you continuously make deposits, it results in accumulating
assets. Withdraw money and the balance shrinks.
Calories are like money. The more you
shovel into your face, the bigger you get. Make withdrawals — in other words,
get out and exercise — and you burn some of those calories and lose weight.
I recently conducted an informal study of
the preferences of fat people for favorite eating establishments along an
820-mile section of the nation’s interstate from Clinton, New Jersey to
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
What I learned is that most obese folks do
not eat at fast food restaurants. They prefer old-fashioned food, cooked the way
mama used to make.
Some of the fattest people I have ever seen
in my life eat at Cracker Barrel. My son and I counted almost two-dozen of these
delightful eating establishments scattered conveniently along the highway during
our recent two-day drive through Dixie.
How can a person resist a come-on like
this? “There is nothing like finishin’ the mornin’ chores and settin’ down to
breakfast in the country.”
I simply cannot.
I’m one of those people who can eat
breakfast twenty-four hours a day. Several months ago my wonderful wife, who
goes out of her way to cook new and creative meals, had run up against the
equivalent of me getting “writers block.” Dejectedly she looked at me and said,
“I’m sorry, honey, but all we’re having tonight is pancakes and bacon.”
“All we’re having? Are you kidding? Why not
make that more often?” I shot back.
Stunned, she sauntered off to the kitchen,
a smile creasing her face, relieved that I had been such a pushover. (I wish my
editors would cut me some slack when I’m facing a raging case of writer’s block
and they’re screaming at me about a deadline and wondering where my latest
column is.)
One look at Cracker Barrel’s breakfast menu
and I’m starting to drool all over my keyboard. They’ve got things like The
Cracker Barrel’s Country Boy Breakfast and Uncle Herschel’s Favorite. Just
listen to what you get when you order Grandpa’s Country Fried Breakfast: “Two
Eggs with Grits, Sawmill Gravy, Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits, real Butter, and
the best preserves, jam n’ apple butter we could find.”
Son! I am telling you! That is heaven on
earth! I can almost hear the bacon and eggs sizzling on the grill. (Actually,
there is something starting to sizzle — my keyboard!)
Who in their right mind would waste the
time, not to mention their daily caloric allowance, eating at a place that
offers such mundane fare as
when you could order Chicken N’ Dumplins or a Country Ham Steak Dinner or a Half
Pound Bacon Cheeseburger Platter?
The truth is that you can choose to
exercise some will power and order a chef salad at Cracker Barrel. The four
fast-food restaurants named in Barber’s lawsuit also offer salads and lighter
The conclusion is obvious — we don’t need a
judge to tell us what we already know. We’re all guilty. We are what we eat. And
if we are fat slobs, it’s because we eat like fat slobs — case closed.
Gregory J. Rummo is a syndicated columnist and author of "The View from
Grass Roots," just published by American Book. Visit his website at

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