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‘Woe’ to Those Who Would
Remove Ten Commandments
Gregory J. Rummo

There were two
stories of horrific murders committed against
children last week. Both
managed to make front page news.
One incident occurred in Detroit when a father
allegedly shot his four children ranging in ages
from 1-9 and then set their home on fire in an
attempt to cover his tracks. Only the nine-year-old
The second incident occurred here in New Jersey.
A mother was charged with murder after punching and
kicking her 14-year old son to death.
Two days later the same newspaper reported on its
front page that fatal child abuse is rising in New
Jersey. Last year, 24 children died from abuse or
For those wondering why crimes against children are
on the rise, consider, the front page of
the August 21, USA Today: “10 Commandments appeal
What does Alabama’s Chief Justice’s fight to keep a
granite monument of the Ten
Commandments in the rotunda of his courthouse have
to do with these heinous acts of violence by
parents against their own flesh and
blood? Everything.
The desire of a few deranged atheists to cleanse
every vestige of Christianity—it’s not
religion, mind you—from America’s public landscape
isn’t the issue. What is the crux of the matter is
that their cause is championed by lawyers with too
much free time on their hands who are then aided
and abetted by tyrants in black robes in courtrooms
across this country.
And that is a reflection of the heart and the soul
of America.
But God is a gentleman. He doesn’t impose Himself
on anyone. When asked to leave, He
graciously obliges, but be warned of the
For centuries, religious freedom in America was
dictated by the Free Exercise clause of the
First Amendment, “Congress shall make no
law… prohibiting the free exercise [of religion].”
Foam-at-the-mouth secularists began to get their way in the courts in the latter half of the 20th
century when a suddenly enlightened Supreme Court
discovered the Establishment Clause and used it
consistently to guarantee freedom from religion.
One of the more egregious of these opinions was
rendered in the 1980 decision of Stone v.
Graham which forbade the posting of the Ten Commandments on the walls of public school
buildings. The justices wrote, "If the posted
copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any
at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to
read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey
[them]. This is not a permissible state objective
under the Establishment Clause.”
Alexander Hamilton addressed the possibility of
judicial tyranny in Federalist 81, answering
the charge that “[t]he power of construing the laws
according to the SPIRIT of the Constitution, will
enable [the Supreme Court] to mould them into
whatever shape it may think proper… [making] the
errors and usurpations of the Supreme Court of the
United States… uncontrollable and remediless.”
He concluded, “judiciary encroachments… [and]
particular misconstructions and
contraventions of the will of the legislature may
now and then happen; but they can never be so
extensive as to amount to an inconvenience, or in
any sensible degree to affect the order of the
political system.”
Hamilton was only a political leader—and, although
a great one at that—he vastly
underestimated the potential for the culture to
influence the judiciary two centuries later.
Another great leader named Isaiah was a prophet.
Unlike Hamilton, he was able to look into
the future and make accurate predictions about the
culture’s influence on society.
He warned: “Woe to those who call evil good, and
good evil; Who put darkness for light,
and light for darkness… Woe to those who are wise
in their own eyes, And prudent in their own
We should not be shocked when we read stories of
parents murdering their own children.
What do we expect when we decide as a nation “Thou
shall not kill” is no longer a “permissible state
Gregory J. Rummo is a syndicated columnist. Visit
his website,

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