The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Jake's Dad


Heidi Yang

Chapter 12

"Sharon, are you okay?" Jake asked cautiously, even though he knew what her answer would be.

"Yes, I'm okay." Sharon said somewhat painfully as she glanced up at Jake's face.

"You scared me for a minute there." Jake said as he knelt down by her still figure.

"Come on let me help you up. You probably should go to the hospital."

"No, I can't move Jake." Sharon whispered.

"We don't need to go to the hospital."

"Sharon what are you talking about?" Jake asked nervously, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Yes we do, you're hurt. If you can't move then I'll go get help and bring them back here and-"

"Jake stop talking please." Sharon said in a strained whisper. "

You don't need to go and get help at all."

"Stop saying that!" Jake cried angrily.

"You're not going to die, you can't leave me alone here Sharon!"

"You won't be alone Jake." Sharon said with a soft smile.

"I'll be in your heart and I'll be here in spirit."

"No, that's not going to happen." Jake replied firmly. He reached up and touched Sharon's face.

"Please, don't die. I need you here."

"I know you're scared." Sharon said quietly.

"But you'll be okay even if I die now."

"No, don't say that Sharon." Jake said starting to cry.

"You're not going to die, I won't leave you here."

"Jake I fell from a cliff that's a big drop." Sharon said with a painful laugh.

"I'm going to die, there's no way I could live comfortably again you know that."

"No, please Sharon." Jake said trying to talk through his sobs.

"Please don't leave me."

"I'm sorry, I don't have a choice." Sharon said sadly. "I love you Jake."

"I love you too Sharon." Jake said squeezing her hand one last time.

"Good-bye Jake." Sharon said with a sweet smile.

Then she closed her eyes. It was then that Jake knew his girlfriend was gone. All he could think was, why, why did you take her away God?

"This isn't fair." Jake said his body shaking.

"She was all I had left. How could you take her away from me?" But no one answered him. All that Jake heard was the wind blowing swiftly across the hard barren ground around him and his dead girlfriend. The second thing he thought was that it was all his fault. If only he had stopped her from walking on that damn circle; if only he had grabbed her in time or had been able to pull her up.

But it was no use thinking about that now. Nothing would bring his girlfriend back. He couldn't just leave her body out here, could he? No one would know what had happened. No one would have to know, but they would probably find out. Jake sighed and kissed Sharon's lips one last time. Then he stood up and walked back towards the barn..

He didn't look back, he was too afraid to.

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