The Writers Voice
The World's
Favourite Literary Website

Heidi Yang

What is perfect?
What’s your definition or the definition of such a word?
Who in the world can live up to such a definition, does anybody even care about
perfect anymore?
Of course we do, it’s everywhere supposedly; in a magazine, on t.v., the radio,
But what if there were no such thing as such perfect?
What if there were no expectations or pressure put on any of us to be perfect?
What if that word wasn’t defined by so many things, or not all by what’s in our
What if there were no definition of the word perfect, what if perfect didn’t
exist anymore?
Would we get along better, think more or less of ourselves and each other?
If the concept of perfect was somehow erased from our conciseness as a whole,
would we even
Of course we would, it has become so ingrained in every one of us, from the
smallest baby to the
oldest man, we should be, we have to be, we all strive be, we hurt ourselves
over and over again
every time we try to be, perfect.
Would we still want to be perfect if there was no such thing?
I think we would.
But would our definition of such a word be different?
Would we even use a different word or would we still use the word perfect to
describe something
or someone with seemingly no flaws?
But let me tell you a secret, even perfect has it’s limitations.
Perfection could be achieved by some people right?
Wrong, they only seem to be perfect.
Perfection may never be achieved, and if it is I think it will be with clones,
or robots perhaps?
But for us humans perfection is the ultimate goal is it not?
But what kind of goal is this if it’s unattainable?
Is it so wise to strive for something that’s not possible to achieve?
Or maybe I’m wrong, and we can all achieve perfection.
Perhaps what I’ve written doesn’t matter at all and we should all strive, hurt,
yearn for etc..to be
perfect. Could perfection possibly be a good thing? Instead of bad?
Perhaps my poem and my opinion do not matter to anyone
But then again, perhaps they do,
Maybe perfection can be attained by man after all,
Perhaps I’m lying,
But then again maybe I’m not,
Maybe we should all try extra hard to be something we’re not or don’t want to be
We should lower or raise our expectations and live to up others’ only,
Perhaps someday, (maybe someday soon even) we can all be perfect.

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