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This night
Henry Igbinedion

This night,
Jealous clouds ring our azure world,
Veiling a tired earth
In a blanket of blackness.
Whirling winds whisper elegies
For day long dead.
Yonder, the rodents scurry
In the brush, ceaseless
In their endless hunger.
Atop the Iroko
The night bird cowers, awed
By the majestic darkness.
In the vast nothingness of space
Fireflies danced their macabre dance, as
Star crossed skies beckoned
A creeping dawn.
Beyond, the scented musk
Of the burning bush caress our nostrils.
Caught in love throes…
Toads in the heaving pond
Croaked their ballads to a mocking night.
Jealous…vampire mosquitoes,
Humming with glee
Their malaria song, crossed our thresholds
And in the bedroom
A little wrestle in the hay.

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