Writer's Voice
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A Frog Named Lee
Jack Mann

A children’s poem
Ole Tyler had a toad frog and his name was Lee
He was happy as a frog could be
He hopped all around and said with a croak
Ole Tyler is a good kid and that’s no joke
Now Ole Tyler put Lee outside one day
so he could hop around and play
Well Lee got tired and took a nap
When he awoke he was in a trap
Some kids had dug a hole you see
and it was as deep as a hole could be
No matter how hard Ole Lee would try
He just couldn’t seem to jump that high
Well now it was starting to get very late
And Ole Tyler was worried about his frog's fate
He went looking around every tree
To see if he could find where Lee might be
You will never guess what had happened by then
Another frog had fallen within
This frog was different, it had a pretty smile
And a bow around it’s head you could see for a mile
Now Lee wasn’t sure he wanted to be found
He was beginning to like this hole in the ground
Ole Tyler gave up on his search for Lee
So he went back home as sad as could be
Lee found out that her name was Sue
And he didn’t know just what to do
They were stuck there for a very long time
And I have to figure how to end this rhyme
When the spring rains came and began to flow
Lee and Sue floated out of the home they know
Ole Tyler was happy to see Lee back home
And he knew that Lee never more would roam
Cause not only did Lee come home with a wife
He had something else that would change their life
Mary, Bill, Tony, Susie, Theodore, Sam, Milly………!

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