Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

The Owl and the Mouse meet Samson the Beast
Jack Mann

A children’s poem
One day Marvin woke up in alarm
Because of the noise outside the barn
The farmer that owned the barn covered with tin
Had pulled up front, in a truck with a pen
The farmer was unloading a baby you see
And put him in the barn where they all would be
Marvin didn’t know how big animals could be
Compared to the mouse, it was big as a tree
Well it turned out that this very large babe
Was just a calf that its mother had made.
Marvin asked the calf if it had a name
And the calf said sure, my name is plain
Samson it is, and don’t do me wrong
When I grow up, I will be very strong
Now Marvin knew that surely he would
And that a friend this big had to be good
So Oscar the Owl and Marvin the mouse
Got to know Samson that lived in their house
The farmer would feed Samson each day
And Samson would share his food where they lay
Marvin would share his cheese with the others
They lived together as if they were brothers
In sharing they learned how good it could be
If they lived together in peace and harmony!

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