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A Slave's Dream
Janeece Vance

One day, I’ll be set free!
And when I get there, I’m gonna scream
and thank my creator that I am finally set free!
I’m that hot commodity sold like property to provide all types of service.
I’m that sharecropper,
cotton picker,
house slave,
that’s been enslaved to cater to my master and mistress
and they have so much more!
I sleep on old wooden floors of one room huts
and collect straws to sleep on.
And there’s so many of us that just keep on
hiding our tears and fears
hoping for that one year
that we would finally be set free!
I plead many times for the men in white sheets to be kind to me and mine.
But, it never works. They just continue on hurting us.
We’ve been beat, whipped, spit at, slapped, smacked,
raped and chased by dogs.
I even saw a couple of my own hung by ropes and prayed and hoped
that it would never happen to me.
No one deserves this type of inhumanity!
And I wonder how can these men sleep?
I sleep at night
in spite of this life style I live
and I continue to give the Lord God above thanks.
My pain doesn’t mean a thing when I sing songs to his holy name.
I give Him all the praises for each and every day that he gives us
because I know in my heart, I will be set free!
And when I am....
I will dance and sing and STILL praise his holy Name!
I would love to feel that summer rain fall down my face and watch the sun rise
and set each day.
I would love to feel the autumn breeze whisper in my ears as I watch the trees
that I GROW throughout the years.
I would love those cold winter days when I watch the snowfall from MY OWN
And the best days of all... would be each and every day that I lay at night and
fall asleep in my own bed.
Janeece McCullough©

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