The Writers Voice
The World's
Favourite Literary Website

Janice Wu

She and I were listening to a mellifluous French Ballad performed by an
orchestra in Le café François chic, the elegant and elaborate French restaurant.
I adjusted the lapels of my suit and glimpsed at the jet-black night sprinkled
with luminous stars. As I gazed into her tender blue-green eyes, she looked at
me and said,
"Tell me the story again."
I took a slow sip of my exotic, milky cremàs. I've told her
this story many times, and I never tire to reiterate. She's listened to this
tale numerous times, yet she yearns to hear it periodically. Mind-blowing. What
am I thinking, he chided myself, there is no way she is going to forgive me
after all I did. Driving past the fifth gas station a bakery, he pondered how
the pungent smell of gas caused the aroma of bread even more enticing. He sailed
past a jewelry shop and his high school. Whatever happened to senior year being
the best year of your high school occupation?
The beginning of his senior year
was turning out to be a huge disappointment. Upon getting his license, he has
already committed manslaughter, but it's not what you probably assumed. For some
reason, his mom needed batteries in the middle of the night, and she compelled
him to go to the store and pick some up for her. Little did he know that getting
batteries would cause both emotional turmoil and gratifications.
On his way coming back, Scott came out of nowhere, running on the streets. In
hope that the car would stop, he slammed on the brakes frantically. Instead of
moving, Scott just stared at him gawking and gaping. Immediately, he was dead.
Ever since that night, guilt hangs over me everyday. A month
after that, I barely ate and hid in my room. My theory about life was that if I
the world can't see me, then I couldn't do any damage. At that point in time, it
seemed rational to me. In anticipation that all the pain and guiltiness would
magically disappear, I went to physiatrists and attended psychological help
sessions. I even talked to Scott's mother who assured me that it wasn't my
fault. After starting to make mental progress, Scott's sister, Azia, reversed
the small spark of hope and progress people were saying I was making.
As he looks at the perfectly picturesque house with intact, forest green paint
and white trims, flawlessly trimmed bushes, and well-maintained flowers, he
winced. Before the accident, the external appearance of the house has been
unsightly, and he knew exactly why it was so spick and span. Azia and her
brother, Scott, were very close. Prior to the accident, all her spare time was
spent with him. Now that he was gone, she tried to busy herself so she wouldn't
notice the absence of Scott. As a result, she picked up on gardening and outside
house care. He sighed- at least she has a nice house now. The acute chirp of a
bird slammed him back to reality, and he realized he was gawking through the
windshield of his car.
At this point, my hands were all clammy and sweaty. I made a
beeline for the door disregarding my wobbly knees. I needed to apologize, or at
least attempt, because I knew I would never be at peace until our relationship
was rectified. I rang the doorbell, and she answered in a matter of seconds.
"What do you want?" she said dryly.
His body temperature ascended ten degrees, and the scorching
sun wasn't aiding. "I came to apologize, Azia." Raising her eyebrows, she folded
her arms rigidly across her chest. Suddenly at a loss for words, everything he
planned and rehearsed to say was flung out of the window.
"I-I-I'm sorry." He managed to eject. He found himself being stared down with
piercing, intense eyes, and she snorted out a laugh.
"So that's it? You came here to say that? Well, it looks like
you completed your mission, Torrance. Now goodbye." With her frosty eyes still
glaring at him, she groped for the knob of the door and began to shut it.
"No-wait!" he implored, stopping the door with my foot. He
took a deep breath and practiced yoga breathing, "Listen to me, please, I-"
She cut him off curtly. "No- you listen. You know what you
did Torrance? You killed my brother. Do you fathom the significance in that? You
murdered my brother. He was my best friend, my closest companion, and he was
gone instantaneously. Do you know why? It was your reckless driving. You-"
"Azia, you knew it was an accident." he interrupted, throwing his hands up in
the air.
She was unfazed. "He was a gem, a sizzling, passionate gem amid the dull rocks
that compile this earth. You have no idea what loss means, do you? Have you ever
lost somebody that you were so connected to, you could divulge your deepest
secrets with him, knowing that he will help you no matter what? That he would do
anything for you, even though it meant hefty self-sacrifice?"
Knowing she had a point, he looked down at his shoes and was taken aback by her
cold-heartedness. Her words were like bricks spewing into his gut.
"You just don't get it, do you? Go away, Torrance, and leave
me alone." With that she slammed the door in his face.
Wishing this was just a dream and that he would wake up in
the comfort of his bed, he shut his eyes. Heaving a sigh and stifling a curse,
he sat down on the steps of the porch and buried his face in his hands. Why did
this happen? What did I have to kill him? Why me? I thought you looked out for
people, God. I've never done anything profoundly severe, so what I don't fathom
is why you permit this to happen to me? Is there even a God?
"Torrance?" He whipped around and saw Mrs. Rez, Azia's
mother, giving him a maternal look. He nodded his head slightly.
"I thought that was you. I'm sorry Azia's still holding a
grudge against you. Detestation never gets anyone anywhere."
He shrugged as if he hadn't a care in the world. "I don't
blame her. I probably would, too."
She sat down beside him and wrapped her arms around him. For quite a while, they
just sat there in silence. A smile started to play across her lips, and extended
into a full grin. Who can find humor in a situation like this? Slapping her
forehead she chuckled, "I should have thought of this a long time ago- stupid
me! There is something you can do for Azia. You see there's a sapphire ring
buried in the backyard that Scott gave Azia a while ago. She cherished it like
it was the most valuable thing in the world, believing it held supernatural
powers. Since she was terrified of loosing it, she and Scott buried it in the
backyard. They agreed that it would only be used for important things, like a
good grade on finals or wishing for the guy or girl they wanted to take them to
the senior prom." Crestfallen, she fidgeted with the hem of her skirt
uncomfortably. Nearly above a murmur she whispered, "I guess they never made
A new surge of onus coursed through his veins, and he felt
like they were going to explode. "I'm sorry. I know it was because of me." A new
thought unbolted in his brain, "What if I find it for her?"
At that moment I knew precisely what I had to do. Though Mrs. Rez was
incredulous at first, I persuaded her to allow me to try to find the gem for
Azia. She was talking about how exquisite and precious the sapphire was, but I
wasn't listening. All I could think about was coming back tomorrow morning,
fresh and rested to find that ring.
The next morning was full of strenuous, grueling labor that
exhausted my body unduly. Only about two hours in, I was so earnestly fatigued,
I thought I could shrivel and die. Mrs. Rez offered me a several glasses of her
homemade lemonade, which I guzzled most of the cups by the afternoon.
In the corner of his eye, Torrance saw a girl walk by, looking at him
bewilderingly as if he was a lunatic. She saw him practically shred the Rez'
backyard. He didn't pay heed to her until he realized that she was right beside
him, helping him tunnel through the ground to find that ring. Somehow she knew
what she was looking for, although no words were exchanged. They dug a good
deal, and he thought their nails were permanently tainted with dirty soil. He
was beginning to think that this was some kind of sick hoax. Nonetheless they
diligently worked until dark, the ring was never found.
With their shovels put away, they started to take separate routes home. They
turned away, and he rebuked himself for not thanking the girl.
At least she tried to help the attempt for the long lost
ring. Who would stay out with an unfamiliar person until night and dig up
somebody's yard? He turned around and quickly uttered, "Thanks." Taken aback,
she twisted around and lifted her hanging head. What dazzling jewel-like eyes
and lovely features she possessed! Her hair was pulled in a messy bun, and her
clothes were saturated in dirt, but she looked beautiful. For a moment, they
just ogled at each other. Her lips curved upward into a genuine smile and gazed
at him, "You're welcome."
A week later, he decided to go to the bookstore and try his
luck at self-help books written by supposedly professional physiatrists. Trying
to catch an appealing title, he thumbed hastily though the books. "How To Get
Over Your Sorrow By Tomorrow" and "The Onus Extinguisher" certainly attracted
his eye, but it wasn't anything he would be caught dead buying. This is totally
lame, he thought. Okay, it's official- I surrender. What a pinhead I am to
believe that a book would liberate me from all the guilt that has been
accumulating within me. Suddenly he felt an urge to scurry about of that dumb
bookstore, and just accept the fact that he was going to be miserable forever.
Rounding the corner on his way home, he inadvertently collided with a pedestrian
and knocked all the papers out of her hand.
"I'm sorry, Miss." Torrance said, crouching to pick up her
papers. Her arm grazed over his, and he glanced up. Still looking down she
stated a polite,
"That's fine."
Realizing that it was the girl who helped him dig, his heart
dropped along with his mouth. She was even more striking in the broad daylight.
This time she was clad in a jade- green top with a frilly, pearl-white skirt.
Her pat-shoulder length brown hair was as smooth and shiny as silk. He noticed
that he was gaping and forced himself to snap out of his stupor. Thankfully, she
was too busy picking up her documents to notice he was gawking.
In a low undertone, she heard him say, "Hey."
She looked up and nearly gasped. Even in tattered jeans and a gray T-shirt that
accentuated his eyes, he looked seriously handsome. She took a peek at his
short, blondish hair before realizing how his slightly disheveled yet totally
captivating look spiked up her heartbeat. With neither one of them averting his
eyes, they stood. She took a while to admire his drop-dead gorgeous profile.
There was a glint in his mesmerizing eyes that intrigued her.
"So what are you doing here?" she asked breaking the silence.
She saw a cloud of uncertainty pass through his eyes before they were averted.
He shifted his weight to the other foot. Before he could verbalize anything, she
lightly seized his arm and guided him back to the bookstore. "I think I know why
you're here."
She dove straight into the back of the bookstore and released
his arm. He missed the warmth of her hand. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you
were in that section." She pointed to the line of self-help books, and he nodded
obviously embarrassed.
"Well," she said pushing a tress behind her hair,
"You were in the wrong part of the bookstore. Your answer is
here." His eyes widened as they traveled around Bible division of the bookstore
shelves lined with various translations of the Bible in every language possible.
There were also inspirational stories and endless books of volumes of Bible
stories or parables and miracles. She reached with an NIV version of the Bible.
"This is just what you need. This NIV version of the Bible is
much easier to understand than the King James Version. It even has a daily
devotion system for a year. See, it has references that you can look up each
day, and then it has a summary. It even has lines for you to write your thoughts
on what you read. At the very end, there are pages for prayer requests. Here's
the column for the date of the request, the request, and the date it is
answered. You can actually see God's hand actively working in your life! It's a
good book."
"What does NIV stand for?"
"New International Version"
"Um, so this will help me?"
"Yes of course. As a matter of fact, I use this book
I got it a couple months ago, and I have learned more about
the Bible than I ever had.
"Well, what if I still don't understand?"
"You can call me anytime you want, and you can even come to
Church with me."
"Oh, but…" She could tell that he was stalling and not fully
convinced that a book could change his life. After all, she hadn't explained the
difference between the Bible and self-help books.
"How much do you have? You're getting this book," she said adamantly.
They went to a Chinese Bistro, sat down, and she started
talking something about God's flawless blueprint on our life. He looked around
and was surprised at how many Asian people were around them. He felt like a
dimwit compared to these Asians. With squared shoulders and hair as black as
coal, they sauntered around confidently. He tried to eavesdrop an elderly
couple's conversation. It was so remarkable at how rapidly they spewed out their
words. He read the bright orange calligraphy that advertised lo mien. Going to
different exotic eateries and tasting new cuisines always ignited his interest.
He suddenly blurted out, "I know a girl named Azia and-" She
head up a hand. "I know. I am a friend of hers."
Uh-oh. He thought. I wonder what bad things that she has been
telling her. he fidgeted with a pair of wooden chopsticks.
"You should apologize again, Torrance." Wow, he was surprised
that she knew his name. He was even more surprised when she said that he should
apologize again. He almost laughed out loud, "And get my head bitten off again?"
She ignored his rude comment and stated evenly, "She has a soccer game tomorrow.
Doesn't she go to your school? Scratching the back of his neck, he nodded
"Go to her soccer game and come early." She smiled. "Besides third time's a
charm." He stared at her incredulously.
"I think you should go, Torrance. We have one life to live.
Do you want to come out the other end knowing that there was more you can do,
but you didn't do it because you were too stubborn? God has a plan for all of
us." Here we go once more, he said to himself.
"As I've been telling you, he has a blueprint for our lives.
Accidents are incidents in God's eyes. They have a reason. Because He knows what
is going on, nothing surprises God. Nothing has ever surprised God and nothing
will ever surprise Him." She paused and then said with a curious twinkle in her
eyes, "She could be the love of your life, and the two of you could get
Internally, he scoffed at the idea. He knew that would never
happen. Me getting married to Azia Rez, he pondered, enchantress of all cruelty-
yeah right.
He looked up, and she mysteriously vanished like a puff of smoke.
A puff of wind blew though the air somewhat ameliorating his fried nerves. He
closed his eyes, inhaled the scent of freshly cut grass, and exhaled though his
mouth. His eyes flickered opened, revealing a #18 blue-orange soccer uniform.
Her hair was pulled in a high ponytail, eliciting her sharp, angular jaw. He
started to make a pathway for her toward the benches. Bending at the waist, she
was stretching out her legs, her nose almost touching her knees. That gave him a
little more time to rehearse his lines over and over in his head. Keeping his
eyes fixated on her, he weaved in and out of the throng, and by now she was
stretching out her arm. She caught sight of him. Given that she looked so
skittish, he thought she was going to run away. Instead, she was blatantly
staring at him as uneasy as Torrance was staring at him. He took a wary step
toward her, as she struggled to stand her ground.
"Azia." He said in a low voice.
"Torrance." she stated nonchalantly, licking her lips and
switching arms.
"Will you speak to me?"
There was a prolonged pause of stony silence, and he was
about to turn to leave. "What do you have to say?" she inquired, plopping down
on the bench and placing her hands primly in her lap.
He kneeled athwart from her and placed an arm on top of her knee for support,
and her posture stiffened like a board.
"Please forgive me, Azia. Can we put the past behind us?" he
asked taking a gentle hold on her hands.
"There's nothing I can do to change the yore. Anyway I would
like a fresh start, because I want to get things between us right." Her features
softened and he told himself to keep talking.
"Just knowing that I've caused you so much pain leaves me
feeling like the scum of the earth. It's a sick feeling, one that I wake up
everyday with wishing that I could get rid of it. But I can't, Azia, not until
we're reconciled." He concluded, laying his head gingerly on top of their
enlaced hands. He closed his eyes, praying that would find it in her heart to
exonerate him.
Gazing into his pained eyes she contemplated on what she
should do now. She knew he meant every word and that he was truly sorry. Why
couldn't she just let it go? Just when he thought that she was going to accept
his apology, she tore away from him. He thought he had her.
"Good grief! Didn't I tell you to leave me alone? I don't
need your apologies, Torrance, and I don't need you. Why can't you fathom that I
don't want to be friends with you? Haven't you caused enough damage?" She was
shocked by the bitterness in her own voice. Unexpectedly, she started to spin
His eyes popped open. "Azia!" he ejaculated, grabbing her
arm. She batted his hand away and scurried shakily to the field to warm up for
her game. His stomach contracted feeling like someone had stabbed him in the
heart with a knife, twisting it in all the wrong directions.
What was I thinking? He was sorry. And what did I do? I
turned him down, blowing him off probably forever. Why did I do that? I am
seriously beginning to feel like I should have forgiven him. I am so cruel. Why
did I do that?
In her heart she knew that the whole ordeal was just an
accident. Torrance was one of the most generous and caring guy she's ever met.
He was so persistent, coming back a third time to ask of her forgiveness. She
was seriously beginning to have second thoughts. A ball smacked her in the head,
slamming her back to reality.
She heard a whistle blow. "Rez! Get your head in the game!"
the coach yelled. She didn't look too happy. Both her hands were on her hips,
and she was wearing a scowl on her face. Azia turned around, ready to accept his
apology, but he was nowhere to be seen. Her chance was lost.
Her heard another whistle blow, this time more piercing than the last. She tried
to focus on doing a good throw-in, but throwing up was harder to suppress.
Torrance told Roxanne all about the incident and how he got shot-down by Azia.
He was whining and complaining to Roxanne, but she would hear none of it.
"And we know that all thing work together for good to them
that love God. End of discussion." She declared.
He was still dubious, and he began to attend Church with her. His real reason
going to Church was to see Roxanne. He soon realized that she wasn't remotely
interested, and he started to restrain his feelings for her. Nevertheless, they
became the best of friends, even attending college together with a close friend
of theirs named Kaden Smith. The three were inseparable, but when Kaden died in
the early years of college, which left the two of them in despair. They drew
even closer together though the death of Kaden.
I looked up at her, and forced a smile. "That was the hardest
time of my life, and I am so glad you were right there with me to help me
thought it. When Kaden died, I was furious at the world. Just when things were
going well for me, Kaden was gone. Though I refused to listen to you, you
persisted and talked me out of my misery. Do you remember what you said?"
She tapped at the buttons of my suit soothingly, looked up at the crystal
chandeliers of the French restaurant, and then looked me directly in the eye.
"Cease from anger and forsake wrath. A soft answer turneth
away wrath; grievous words stir up anger. And ye now therefore have sorrow: but
I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice. Blessed are they that mourn,
for they shall be comforted."
"Yes, Roxanne, that's exactly what you said. I wept with you,
and you brought much comfort to me. Roxanne, you brought me to Jesus Christ. I
have given my life to God, and I have been truly blessed ever since. On the day
of Kaden's death, I was saved spiritually. Without you I wouldn't have the
assurance of being in Heaven with you one day. You were so right. Everything is
in God's plan. Looking at your eyes now, I can say that without doubt."
"Torrance, we have been through so much together these seven
years. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were something special. I
tell you, it was God speaking to me. Who knew digging up some dirt with you
could cause me so much happiness?" I chuckled softly, but I took her hand and
squeezed it lightly, urging her to keep going.
"God brought us together, Torrance. It was all in His plan,
and I could never be happier. I thank Him for all He has given me. I thank Him
for you. You're such a blessing in my life. I mean that will all my heart. I
can't envision myself sailing though life without you by my side. The summer I
was gone, I thought about you every night. There wasn't a day I couldn't help
but missing you. Though all the tears of sadness and joy, we've made it. Even if
I talk for hours, there would be no way for me to express n words how strongly I
feel about you. I love you with every piece of my heart."
"Roxanne, my sweet Roxanne. You're the love of my life, and
you will continue to be. You're living proof of an angel. I'm sure of it. You
remind me of an opal." Her eyebrows furrowed. "An opal? You mean the gems with
all those different colors?"
"Yes," I smiled, "An opal of sundry colors. You're a person
with different traits. Let's see, there's benevolence, love, generosity,
dedication, honesty, perseverance, -" She threw her head back in laughter, "Okay
I get it."
"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.' My
treasure is you. You're a trinket box filled with precious gems." She raised her
brows," Torrance! You're quoting scripture!" With a smirk he declared, "Don't
seem so shocked. I did read that NIV Bible, you know." She giggled kicking him
softly in the ankle under the table, "So it had some use, eh?"
"Absolutely. Isn't it weird how a that petty ring of Azia
brought us together?" Smiling warmly, she opened her mouth to protest, but I cut
her off.
"I think it's replay time," I silently added, trying to keep
the nervousness out of my tone. Her brows creased and once again she opened her
mouth to ask what on earth I was saying, but I cut her off. I took a swift
glance around the French restaurant, found the director of the orchestra. I gave
him a quick nod, and our song began to play. Without missing a beat, I kneeled
on one knee and reached in my pocket and pulled out a little sapphire-colored
box. With shaking hands, I opened it, exposing a lustrous diamond ring. I could
see a tear slip down her cheek and immediately regretted what hasn't been done
I pushed the thought away and slowly recited my devised poem,
for I wanted every word to sink in. I help her hand.
"You have taught me that all things are in God's plan-that He
has it mapped out perfectly. And if it be in God's Will, my dear Roxanne-Will
you give me your hand and marry me?" More tears gushed out of her eyes, and I
leaned over to get a napkin. Then by mistake, I knocked over the cremàs.
Great-perfect timing, I thought. I bent over to pick up the cup, the drink now
drenching the pricey carpet, but she wouldn't let go of my hand. Puzzled I
looked at her. She held my gaze for a moment and exclaimed a big, fat
People clapped for us, though I was too busy kissing her to
care. Even the manager of the restaurant, who didn't look too happy about the
spilt beverage, expressed his glee for us. She pulled away from me with droopy
eyelids. "All in God's plan." She repeated.

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