Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Jean Fox

Down came the snow, a silence fell
An almost eerie hush
While coats of purest white were worn
By every tree and bush
Snug in their house, the children peeped
Out through the window pane
And watched as snowflakes piled up high
Along the country lane
All day it snowed, the children then,
Excited eyes so wide
Asked, "Mamma, it looks beautiful,
Please may we play outside?"
"Oh no my dears," their Mum exclaimed
"It's much too cold and deep
It isn't safe to go outside
'Twill soon be time to sleep"
She tucked them cosily in bed
Her face now wore a frown
The fire burned within the grate
But still the snow came down
Then in the night, there came the wind
It shrieked with voice uncanny
It's icy fingers probed and blew
Through every nook and cranny
It howled and whistled all night long
Until the morning hour
Then when the household stirred, they found
There was no 'lectric power
They had reserves of logs and coal
They'd stored their winter fuel
At night the candles flickered
As they ate their warming gruel
For seven days the snowflakes fell
The land was buried deep
It seemed as though the silence meant
The world had gone to sleep
Then Mum said to the children
"There's a lesson here for you
Although something looks beautiful
It can be deadly too!"
Then one bright morn there came the sun
With rays of warmth so sweet
Which kissed the earth so tenderly
And made the snow retreat
Then very soon the snow was gone
The earth then stretched and yawned
The flowers and the leaves awoke
A new season had dawned
So when your life seems down at heel
And full of grief and woe
Be patient and have faith, for soon
They'll vanish, like the snow
Then once again the sun will shine
Your world be filled with green
For underneath the snows of woe
There lurks a life serene

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