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The Simple Complexities Of Life
Joel Atkins

Some say "its better to of love and lost then to of never loved at all"
but how could one say that when love makes the strongest fall,
When two hearts are joined for a momentary state of bliss,
when two souls float upon a sea of perfection from one simple kiss,
from this point on the desirable urge to earn ones affection,
will make ones heart bleed and swell with loves infraction,
for no two hearts are souly joined that by a start they will last,
not looking toward ones future only ignoring your past,
true emotions caught with a glimpse,
could dreams come true when the heart, love gimps,
are these thought these tears and these fears worth it,
are all of these sensations worth the simplicity of love, or should i quit,
love is never something so simple so unstained,
never a pure flawless state when ones heart is chained,
tested and found guilty of felling to strongly,
one love, two hearts, one true, one devious and hallow,
when nothings left time and time again i swallow,
but then again love just a dream,
to be dreamt by such a sleepless theme,

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