Writer's Voice
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In the Blink of an Eye
Jonathan Isenor

They had awakened me from my deep slumber
and chased me out into a nearby forest. The king commanded the soldiers after
me; why, I had no clue. I was running through the thick bushes and trees until I
came out to a clearing. I stood on a dirt path trying to catch my breath as the
king's soldiers surrounded me from different directions. One of the soldiers sat
on his horse staring hard at me, as if trying to bore a hole through me. A thick
fog surrounded the trees as rain gentle fell. The trees seemed to reach to the
sky; I wasn't really sure of what to think about all of this, so I stood in
silence surrounded by the guards.
"Give it up!" One of the soldiers bellowed.
I looked around in confusion, trying to
find the guard who'd spoken. Then I found him and stared intently at him. I
stood silently trying to figure out what he was talking about. No answers came.
I couldn't translate my thoughts into feelings; instead I closed my eyes, and
let my mouth do the talking.
"Give what up?" I yelled back at the
As I kept my eyes closed, something
unexpected happened. I heard the wind cutting, in different directions. I opened
my eyes only to see arrows flying in every which direction. One after another
tore through the soldier's armor plates, leaving all of them half sprawled on
their horses, dead. I looked around the area looking for where the arrows had
come from, and then I saw the answer to my question. A man jumped down from a
tree to the right of me.
The man had piercing blue eyes, long brown
hair and a red scar going across his nose down onto his cheek. He wore a green
cloak that had black buckles in the middle. His bow was small and silver; he
held it tightly in his hand. He also had various arrows in a pack on his back.
The man began to pace back and forth as if a wandering child; occasionally he'd
look up at me as if trying to choke out the proper words.
"Are you Lionus?" he asked with his eyebrows rising high up on his forehead.
My first thought was how did this man know
my name? Where had he come from? I stared at the man, unaware of his thoughts
and feelings.
"Who are you?" I asked, curious of his
The man looked at me with his eyebrows
falling back into the regular position. Tears formed in the pockets of his eyes.
His face looked sad, to say the least.
"I knew your father before..." he replied,
trailing off.
Somehow the man had known my father, which
tended to be a touchy issue with me. Ever since he died people said I was never
the same, things for me were never the same. I missed my father, and it made me
mad when people would bring up his death. That's all I can feel - anger.
"Who the hell are you?" I yelled.
The man stared at the ground, probably
trying to gather his thoughts. I was holding my tears back; I didn't want this
stranger to see me cry. I was never comfortable crying around other people.
Sadness was in my heart though; I could feel it haunting me.
"I am Blink, I knew your father before he
passed. I made a promise several years ago, and I intend on honoring it. There's
more you need to know about what really happened. I need you to come with me.
Can you do that?"
I turned my back to the man and wiped away
the little bit of tears that were forming in my eyes. I never really knew what
happened to my father; all I knew was that he disappeared. We were close, real
close, and I often wondered what happened to him, so I decided to take up
Blink's offer.
"Yeah, I'll go with you."
I turned around to see Blink already
heading north through the forest, and I hurried to catch up to him. I was
navigating my way through the brush yet again.
"So where are we going?" I asked, wondering
what Blink had up his sleeve.
"The portal deep in the forest."
For some reason I didn't ask any more
questions, I just kept walking. There was something about Blink that made me
feel like I could trust him. We walked for quite a while; we stopped upon
reaching our destination. A large charred black circle lay on the forest floor.
It looked as if someone had a giant fire and had trouble controlling it. Blink
reached into my pocket and pulled out a small glowing orange orb; silver
lighting swirled in the inside of the orb. I didn't even know I had such a
treasure until that very moment. Blink threw the orb onto the charred black
circle; blue bubbles appeared as the circle came to life. I looked at Blink,
"Step on the portal," he demanded.
I did as I was told and stepped onto the
portal. I found myself falling, falling into what I didn't know. I was just sort
going with the flow of everything. I felt dizzy and then I woke up back in my
hometown, or so it appeared to be. I was back in Charmin, people were busily
running about the streets, homes were in the same places.
But I felt odd, like I was in a different
time era. Everyone was wearing different clothes then me. Then I looked beside
me only to see Blink smiling.
"Where am I?" I asked.
Blink pointed straight ahead to my house.
My house looked like it always did.
"We're in Charmin. Go to your house and
you'll have a pleasant surprise. It's time to right a wrong."
Blink started walking towards my home; I
stood at the entrance of the town for a good minute thinking about this time
warp of some sort. When I caught up with him he was at the door of my home,
waiting for me. I went to open the door, but Blink slammed it shut.
"What did you do that for?" I yelled at
Blink's smile had faded away.
"There's something you need to know. Your
father was taken away from you when you were young, he was executed for having
that little ball which is the orb of time that you have now. That orb has the
power to take us in between time periods, like a time machine. The king knew of
your father having this power, so he executed him. Now we are here the day he
was executed to save him. It was my fault he died in the first place - I was
weak. I haven't been able to sleep at night because of this tragedy. So before
you open the door be aware of that."
Having all of that dumped on me was pretty
harsh, but those were the things I needed to know. As he said it though, I
remembered the day my father was taken away, I remember crying to my mother, I
remember the soldiers taking him from us and I remembered what he told me that
morning, that morning he gave me the orb. He told me to hide it well; finally I
had remembered how things happened. Now it was time to stop it all, and save my
father. It was time to stand up and face my fears. With that all fresh in my
brain I grabbed the door handle and whipped it open.
My father stood before me, his eyebrows
were raised and he focused on me intently upon my entrance. His big brown eyes
made him appear friendly as he faked a smile for me. It was my father, and he
was alive, standing right in front of me. I never thought I would ever see him
again, I thought he was gone. This was my chance to change all of that. Words
couldn't make it out of my mouth, as I opened it time and time again to speak. I
can't describe all the emotions that were running through me as I saw him for
the first time in years; it was a moment I'd remember for the rest of my life.
"Who might you be?" he asked.
He didn't recognize me, but that was
understandable. It was years later, and I hadn't expected him to know who I was.
But at the same time it was disappointing; he was my father after all. I had to
change things though, I didn't want to think he was my father; I wanted
to think he could be my father again. I closed my eyes as the words finally
began to make their way to my mouth.
"You need to get out of here. Listen, I
know I sound crazy, but you're in grave danger."
My father looked at me, with a smile
forming across his face. It was obvious he wasn't taking me seriously.
"You're pulling a prank; if you were really my son, then you'd be out in the
streets like he is playing with his friends. I want you out of my house!" he
yelled at me.
When he yelled at me, it caught me off
guard; it was like a smack in the face, or worse. Blink touched my shoulder and
whipped me around to face him. I hadn't realized it, but he was behind me the
whole time.
"Let's go to the castle, that way you can
find out for yourself what really happened. You can find out from the king
I followed Blink's idea and, after looking
at my father one last time, left our house. Getting into the castle wasn't going
to be easy.
"Lionus, I need you to walk up to the front
gate and distract the guards."
I followed his instructions, and walked up
to the front gate of the castle. Both soldiers were wearing gray plates of armor
with matching helmets. Both held long silver spears which they crossed upon
noticing me approaching the castle. One guard stared very hard at me, as if
trying to look right through me.
"What is your business here?" the soldier
yelled in a harsh tone.
Thinking quickly I decided to try and lie
my way through this episode. I'd tell them I was here for an execution.
"I'm here for the execution today."
I tried to push my way through but one of
the soldiers threw me back.
"We have no executions today, liar!" he
Before I could reply the guard knocked me
to the ground, then I heard screams of pain. I looked up only to see arrows
sticking through both of the soldier's throats. Trying to ignore the gruesome
sight, I got up and ran farther into the castle. Soldiers yelled at me, but that
never stopped me. I just kept on going - that is until I arrived at two large
wooden doors that I suspected would lead me to the throne room. Instead of
hesitating, I grabbed one of the door handles and yanked it open. The door swung
open only to reveal the king sitting on his throne, staring down at my father,
who had his arms and feet tied behind his back and was left kneeling.
Upon my entrance to the throne room, the
king changed his attention over to me. The king had long red hair as fiery as
the flames of hell, his green eyes made him mysterious and yet creepy at the
same time. He was tall and thin with a plate of gold armor and a red cape
attached at his shoulders.
"To what do I owe this pleasure, peasant?" he asked in a sarcastic voice.
"You will set my father free!" I yelled.
The king only smiled at me.
"I will not do such a thing for a peasant. Guards, take care of this man."
I didn't have much a chance before five
soldiers all jumped and began beating me. I felt several punches to my head and
kicks to my stomach. The next thing I felt was blood coming up from my mouth and
tears dripping down the sides of my face. They kept kicking me and I kept
getting up, until they stopped. I pulled myself up to one knee and then fully up
and stared at the king.
"I'm still standing! You can't break me!
You've taken my father's life once and now you want to do it again, you've had
me beaten by soldiers; you've done everything to make my life hell! I don't even
know why, but I'm still here!"
The king signaled for the guards to back
off, and they did as they were told. My body was aching as silence struck the
"You want to know why I've been doing all
of this? It's simple - your father has a pretty little orb that controls time. I
am the king! I need it, I desire it, I want the power. Upon learning your father
had it, I asked him for it. He refuses to give me the orb so now I will take his
life in place of it!"
I felt a surge of anger as the king
finished his sentence. I walked to him and pushed him. He drew his sword and
thrust it at me, luckily I dodged it and he only caught my arm. I kept dodging
until the inevitable happened; I got tired and fell to my knees. I closed my
eyes knowing I was about to die; it was fate I guess. But the next sound I heard
was a thud and then a scream. I looked up only to see Blink lying on the ground
in a puddle of blood. The king stood over him laughing - his laughter pulsated
in my head, then I felt a rush and I grabbed a sword from the wall. He turned
around and looked at me laughing, his laughter still reverberating inside my
"Are you broken yet? He thought he'd shot
me from the rafters, little did he know I was on to him. Good thing I had a
guard on watch up there who just happened to push him down for an easy kill.
You're next." He said as he laughed.
"I already told you, you can't break me!" I
We sword fought until I noticed him get
tired then I swept his legs out from under him, walked over, threw his crown off
and pulled his head up by his hair. Then I thrust the sword downward into his
heart as he let out an agonizing scream. The orb then floated up from my pocket
and flashed; the next thing I knew I was
back at my home and my father was sitting in the kitchen across the table from
For in the blink of an eye as it all
started it all ended. Lionus challenged fate that day and defeated it. For
anyone else who has faced adversity in your life this should be a lesson to you
- no one can defeat the power of the human spirit when you've really put your
mind to something.

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